Chapter 26

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Harry held your hand until he sat you down at the table. Everyone seems to still be enjoying themselves. You try not to think about Harrison or the funeral, you're just here to have a great time. The club looks pact from every corner to corner. "What would you like?" Harry spoke.
"Umm.. I don't know." You never been to a place like this. You don't know what they have. Harry looks at you and he looks around and says, "How about we order something later? Wanna dance?" You nod as he grabs your hand and walks into the dance floor. You and him were dancing like everyone else was and you were enjoying yourself. There was a girl there who kept on staring at Harry and it was starting to piss you off. Harry was dancing with you and she wa staring at him. You didn't mean to stare but, you don't know who does she think she is. The song Dark Horse by Katy Perry started playing and Harry and you walked to finally order something. "I'll have the strongest thing you have," Harry said. You look at him with concern as you turn to the waiter. Harry looks at you, "I'll have the lightest thing you have." You say with a smile. Harry shrugged and didn't say anything. As the lady handed you and Harry your drinks a blonde haired girl came over. "Hello," you can tell she was drunk. "May I ask what your name is?" She said stepping in between you and Harry. She was facing Harry and he was sipping on his glass so much. He was already getting drunk. You didn't want to deal with him being drunk but, it will be okay. "Harry." He said in response to her question. "Excuse me," you say because you noticed that this girl in front of you was shaking her boobs for Harry to notice. She didn't move, she acted like you were invisible. "My name is Kenzie." She said shaking her boobs some more, she didn't try to make it obvious. But, you knew she was. "Excuse me," you say again but just a little louder. She didn't move, again. "Wanna dance, Harry?" She said while touching his arm up and down. "EXCUSE ME?!" You yell pushing her a little but, not too much. She gave you a dirty look and rolled her eyes. She looked at Harry and gave him a wink. She leaned over and whispered something in Harry's ear. This made you so mad you want to rip her fake hair out of her head.

Harry's POV

Kenzie gave me a wink and was starting to lean close to me. She whispered in my ear, "Harry, if you ever, ever, need to get away from this girl. Here is my number." She slips a piece of paper in my back pocket. "Oh and don't forget, I will be here for awhile so, if you want to dance. I'll be waiting." She walked away and she had attitude in her walk. I look over at (Y/N) to see her giving Kenzie a scowl look. I grab her hand and we sit at a table. There should be nothing to worry about, I'm not interested in Kenzie.

Your POV

"So what did she want?" You say staring at Harry drinking a big gulp out of his glass. He shrugged, "Don't worry about it." He was calm. How are you not suppose to worry about it. She was acting like a total whore. Ignoring you like you were nothing. You looked at Harry and took a sip out of your glass while your eyebrows were raised at him. You just can't believe that happened. She totally ruined this night and you knew something was wrong with Harry. It was silent between the two of you until you started choking. You were coughing and gaging uncontrollably. You started to feel so clamped up in your throat. It was getting really hard to breathe. Harry came over and is trying to help you by whacking your back. Whatever was in your throat was stuck and it wasn't coming out. You hear Harry calling for help. You try to clear your throat but, you feel nothing in there.
You knew what was happening. You had witnessed this with your uncle once and this is how he had died. Someone put something in your drink. You knew there was something weird when you got the first taste of it. You wish this wasn't happening because you are drawing attention to yourself and you hate that. You really wish Harry can just get it out but, you know he won't be able to. This should not be happening.

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