Chapter 51

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"Well hello, my name is Harold, and I'll be your waiter today may I get you two anything to drink?" "I'll take a cherry cola," said Doug. Harold wrote down what he said and turns to you, "Anything for this beautiful young woman to drink?" You're speechless how did he know you guys were going to be there, but of course he would find out well because it's Harry you answered yourself. You just wanted water. "I'll take a-" "water?" said Harold as he interrupted you. "Yes.'' You reply.

You were actually scared, you didn't know what to do. You love Harry so much, but so far Doug has treated you with respect. You just want to run into Harry's arms and kiss his pink lips. Part of your heart is saying I need Harry. The other part of your heart is saying fuck Harry, he left you. So much is going on right now, and you want to burst into tears. Everything is changing so quickly. It seems like yesterday you were in school with Miss Holler and she asked you and Harry to stay over because you were his new tutor. That's when everything really changed. You fell for a guy you didn't want to fall for, ever. He took your breath away though, and you really want that feeling again.

You look up at Doug, but it was really hard to see. Your eyes were watering and everything was a blur. You see Harry coming over with two glasses in his hand. You couldn't bear this any longer. "Cherry cola for the guy and a water for the woman." You look at Harry in his green eyes you missed. Shit. You feel it, as you look up to see Doug and Harry having a full conversation. You whisper, "Doug..." He must have not heard you. This was it, you were going to puke from your pregnancy. Doug wasn't paying attention to you at all. You knew Harry would though. You need to throw up and you are at anytime. You start to breath a little heavy and you were going to pass out. "Harry.." you whispered softly, even softer than you called Doug's name. Harry looked over bends on one knee beside you and says, "Are you okay?" You start to breath heavily. "No... I.. Need.. The... Bathroom..." You say in between breaths. Harry never stops looking at you. You look over at him and he had a worried look. "It's over to your left down the hall." Harry said like he didn't even know you. Doug didn't say a word through everything that was happening. You try to stand, you were half way up, but you collapsed into Harry's arms. He caught you and you were still awake. All you could say was Harry's name over and over again. You're in his arms like you wanted and you never want to leave his arms again. You felt safe as your breath slowly went down. You look up into his eyes and his eyes meets yours. He had tears in his eyes and you had started to cry. "You alright?" says Doug ruining the moment. You break eye contact with Harry and sat down. "Yeah, I guess I just got a bit overwhelmed and I thought I was going to throw up and pass out."

That one small moment with Harry made you feel better, Harry made you feel better.

"Do you want to continue or head back to my place?" asked Doug. You look at Harry and you see his nose flare out and his hand clutch. "We can continue here," you looked at Harry, "but can Harry show me where the bathroom is because now I really have to go." Harry smiled to himself and you knew he did. "Doug said, "No problem I need more time to look over the menu anyways." You nod has you get up and follow Harry towards the bathroom. He walks into the family bathroom and you walk in too. There was only a toilet and a sink in there, as you enter Harry closes the door and locks it. You look at him and he looked at you, you ran into his arms and gave him a passionate kiss. He kisses back and puts you against the wall. You missed this so much, you kiss him harder as he kisses you harder back. You both pull away and he puts his forehead on yours as you both breathe in and out. You and him were both crying. "I'm sorry.." Harry whispered. You shook your head in a yes nod. "Me too, Harry, me too." He pecks your lips and said, "I want you to be my girlfriend again, but I know you, I know you too well. Can we jus-" you interrupted him, "start over?" He smiled and kisses your lips once again and pulls away.

"What about that cherry cola guy?" He said really annoyed like. You shrugged and said "what cherry cola guy?" You totally forgot about Doug. Harry looked at you confused. "Right... Doug.." You said. Harry started laughing and said, "forgot about him ehh?" You giggled and nodded yes and answered his question, "let me finish this here with Doug. I'll go back get my dog and go home. Then-" he put his finger up to your mouth and you stopped talking. "Dog?" Said Harry confused. "Yes, my dog." "Babe, you don't have a dog..." Harry looked worried at you as he felt your forehead saying, "maybe you are getting sick." You giggled again and removed his hand from your forehead. "I got a dog after you... Dumped-" Harry stopped you. You know he knew what you meant. He unlocks the door, looks at you and smiles. "Go finish with cherry cola before I punch his lights out." You laugh has you kiss his cheek and open the door. He walks out first and you walk behind him. You smile at Doug and sit down as Harry asks, "Know what everyone wants?" Harry smiles at Doug and I and Doug smiles back. "I will take the small teriyaki chicken salad and I don't want onions," you said. You were allergic to onions and Harry knew that, but you noticed even before you said no onions it was already written down. "And for you?" Harry asked Doug. "Yeah umm I'll have the club sandwich with the ranch sauce. Instead of a side salad I will take fries." Harry nods at everything and he kept looking at you which made you blush a little. You couldn't help but smile. "I will be right back with your orders." Harry smiles and walks away.

You were all smiles at the moment and every time you would see Harry, he was too. When he would walk around the tables he would always look at you and wink. "Well, you seem in a good mood all of the sudden," said Doug. You look at Doug and said, "I just really like this moment." Doug smiled at you and you smiled back only thinking about Harry. Before you know it Harry arrived at your table with your orders. "Here you guys go, enjoy!" Harry said in a cheerful mood and winked at you quickly before he left. You looked at you salad and saw there were no onions. Good, because you don't want this yummy looking salad to be ruined. You got your fork out and started eating as you notice Doug was already eating on his sandwich and fries. Doug and you didn't really say a lot to each other. Harry came over and asked for refills and you got one but Doug didn't. You and Harry just smile to each other. Doug looked at you, "stop smiling at him." You look at Doug and your eyebrows raised. "I understand he is a good looking guy, but you smile at him more than you smile at me and it's driving me nuts." Probably because you love Harry and you wish that Harry was at the other side of the table instead of Doug. "I'm just being friendly." You respond to him. You finished your salad as Doug had already been done with his sandwich and fries. Harry came over and got your plates and took them to the back. He soon came back over to the table and said "any desserts?" You were full so you said no. Doug looks over to you and says "No, she is my dessert," and winked at you. Your eyes widen and you shook your head no. You look at Harry and he chuckled. You knew he was mad at that comment, but he can't do anything. Harry threw the check on the table and waited for Doug to get his money out to pay. Harry took the money which was the exact amount and looked at Doug, "Good luck with dessert because she's pregnant." As Harry said that he walked away.

And here is where the questions and loud voices began.

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