Chapter 43

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You had a completely dreamless sleep and you look at the clock it is 10:37 am. You usually do not sleep in this late, but oh well. You swing your legs over the bed and stand up. You started to feel sick to your stomach again and you knew you were going to throw up. Maybe you should go see a doctor, you never have gotten sick this badly before. After you puke again, you decided to get dressed and call your doctor. You pick up your phone and first you see you had a text from Harry saying good morning. You text him back with a good morning, but you know he won't answer you. He is in school. Then you pull up your dial pad and start to call your doctor.


"Hi this is (Y/N) and I haven't been feeling so well lately. I have gotten sick a lot for the past couple days. At fort I though it was a 24 hour bug, but I don't know." You shrug with your I don't know at the end. "Oh as far as I know I don't think there is a bug going around, but if you would like to come here around 12 pm we can check you out?" The doctor said. "Sure ill be there," you agreed. "Alright see you then." Your doctor hung up the phone and you did the same. Your doctors office was right around the block so you didn't have to drive there, you are just going to walk there. It saves gas and money. You waited until 11:30 to leave and you did so. At exactly 11:30 you left and started to walk. You arrived at the doctors around 11:50 which was perfect timing, you always want to be a little early. They took your name and stuff and they took you in right away.

"(Y/N)," your doctor opened up your door and called your name. You walk over to him and enter the door with him. "Hello, and how are you feeling today?" He says as you walk into another room. "To be honest I got sick this morning again." You say wanting to know what's wrong with you. He nods and asks you about your last visit with what happened at the club. He said it might be an affect because of that, but it wouldn't carry on. As the doctor was talking you interrupted him, "I'm sorry I'm going to get sick again," you look over to see a garbage can beside the bed you quickly pick it up and got sick right in the middle of the doctors room. Well at least he knows you really have been getting sick lately. After you get cleaned up and someone came and got rid of the garbage the doctor asked to take your temperature. "Normal temp," he says. You really didn't feel hot or anything you just kept getting sick, you told him that. His eyes light up and he says, "Well, I'm going to have to take some tests do you mind if we can have a little blood?" You didn't care. "Sure," you say has the doctor gets his stuff out. He then puts the needle against your skin and slowly puts it in and takes blood out. It went quickly and it didn't hurt that bad. "I'll be right back," he says and the doctors leaves. You look at the band-aid he gave you, it had clouds on it with small little flowers. You thought the band-aid was sort of cute in a way. You lay down on the bed and see there are magazines over on a little table. You get up and grab a magazine you see so much about famous singers. Whoever was spotted with whoever and they might be dating. Honestly, publicity would get on your nerves. You didn't want to read anymore it was starting to get boring. So you put the magazine back on the table and sit back down on the bed. It's taking so long, you look at your clock it is 1:43 pm. It had basically been an hour since the doctor left. You are bored out of your mind and you are tired. You couldn't fall asleep though because how good would it look if you were sleeping? Not good at all.

You then see your door opening around 2:15 pm, you just want to go home. "(Y/N), how you doing?" It was your doctor back, "I'm alright, do you know what's going on? Am I okay?" You immediately ask. "I found your answer," he said and you nod at him to spill his guts out. "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

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