Chapter 54

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"Good morning my love!" you hear as you awake from a deeply but wonderful sleep. You smile at his voice and say "Morning Harry." You rub your eyes to wake yourself up just a little bit. As your eyesight clears up you see Harry sitting at the end of your bed. You flip the blanket over so you can get out of the bed. You sit beside him and put your head on his shoulder. He looks down at you and smiles and you look up at him and down the same. It was complete silence until you broke it. "Harry, I have a question," you ask. "What is it?" He says back. "Did you get back together with me because you know your the father of our child or because you actually want to be with me again?" To be honest this was driving you nuts. You wanted to know the answer to the question. He sighed and said, "Both." "Both?" You ask again as you lifted your head from his shoulder. "Let me explain, I went absolutely crazy when I knew I wasn't with you. I was going to get out of this town because I figured you wouldn't want to take me back. Then I remembered how you said you were pregnant. It really didn't ring through my head until yesterday when I saw you and cherry cola at the restaurant. I decided to stay in town to try to be with you again so I got a job to show that I could be responsible. When I saw you guys walk in, I was utterly crushed. I thought you had already moved on. I told my boss I'd take your table to see if we could talk about what had happened. I didn't come back to you for the baby I came back to you because I couldn't live with out you in my life." This touched your heart completely and you were about to cry. "Harry, you're the best boyfriend any one could ask for." You say as you kiss his cheek. He smiled and you felt his dimple form on your lips. "So we are dating again.." He said and laughed a bit. You nod yes and hug him because you felt happy. Then, your stomach turned. You stand up and rush to the bathroom without trying to fall. You hear Harry behind you as you bend down to throw up. This is the most you have ever puked in your life. After you finished and flushed the toilet you decided to brush your teeth.

"You okay babe?" Harry asked you. "Yeah, just another day of morning sickness." You said while brushing your teeth. He walked out your bedroom door and as you finish you catch up with him. You look around to see if you see Arie anywhere and she was laying down in the corner. You walk over to her and pet her and she lifts her head up. You look around and see she didn't make any mistakes in the house. You talk to her, "Arie, want to go outside?" She wags her tail and stands up. You grab her leash and Harry comes around the corner. "I'll take Arie outside, if you want me to." You nod and give Harry the leash and he slips his shoes on and takes her out. You are really enjoying this time you have with Harry right now. You watch out the window to see Harry and Arie all through the yard. You mostly look outside because Harry doesn't have a shirt on, which makes him look even hotter you think. When Arie runs off Harry gets caught off guard and she yanks him and he smiles about it. They are both so cute you think to yourself as you giggle at what you just witnessed. Then you look back out the window and you see Harry standing talking to someone and Arie takes off and pulls Harry to the ground. He lays flat on his back and you are laughing so hard. Harry gets up pets Arie and starts laughing himself. He looks up at the window to see if you are there and he sees you and smiles and does a wave. You laugh even more and wave back. You see Arie sitting on the ground and Harry talking to someone again. You see a boy figure come from the left and it was Doug, running towards Harry. Your eyes widen and Doug punches Harry in the face. Harry feels his face and punches Doug back quickly. You run out the door in your slippers and step between them as fast as you can. You're screaming at them both to stop because you know Harry could knock Doug out in an instant. Then before you know it you felt a punch right in the face as you fall to the ground. Harry starts screaming at Doug "DON'T YOU EVER PUNCH HER AGAIN." Doug punched you in the face Harry was screaming at him and you were beyond angry. You pull yourself up from off the ground and walk right up to Doug and punch him right in the nose. You must have punched him hard because he fell to the ground now and his nose was bleeding. Arie starts barking like mad. As Harry, Arie, and I head back into the house we leave Doug on the ground. He didn't say anything because you figured he knew he messed up. "Are you okay love?" Harry asks you as you walk inside of the door. You unhook the leash from Arie and she goes off running. "Yes, I'm okay." You say in a confused way. "I'm sorry, its my fault." Harry says in tears. You look at him and tilt your head in confusion. "He was saying how hot you are and how you and him went out together once and I told him to stop. I called him a dick and before I knew it I was punched, he was punched, and then... You were punched. And I'm so sorry." He finishes and hugs you tightly and you do the same back. You both stand there hugging each other for a while and you soon break the hug. You smile at him and say, "Don't worry about me, I'm alright. I promise." You kiss him so he knows its okay. He kisses you back and you both break apart. "What a morning so far." Harry says smiling. You chuckle and agree with him thinking that this day just started and you have no clue what is in store for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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