Chapter 19: Welcome Home and Explanations

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Blythe's P.O.V.

It's been a month since I've been home from New York. I was put on bed rest for three months because of my broken ribs and It makes me feel like total shit. I hate having people wait on me. Especially Chris. He feels terrible because of what happened. To be honest I'm glad it happened this soon rather than later. What Lilly doesn't know that I had a few close calls back at the boarding school. The only reason he actually caught me was because I was trying to help Lilly escape. He didn't give up then and I knew he wouldn't have given up this time. At least it was just me. Lilly is so skinny and fragile she would have gotten worse off than I did. Today, all of the guys and my own little gang piled around in the living room. Except for Brandon, who left a week after I woke up from my coma. Levi and Chris carry me out to the couch and upon the site of me my mother starts crying. Ricky and Ghost help set me carefully on the couch. Angelo and Chris sit on either side of me. The tension is thicker than the pillows I have to lay on.

I decide to break the silence, "Maybe I should explain how I was found in the first place." Everyone looks at me, hearing my fragile voice. I have to pace myself when I talk. It's not permenant and I can still sing and eveything I just have to be careful. "On the third day of my disappearence he had gotten sloppy, (It's too difficult to say his name so bare with me on this.) He tied me up without the chair and left me in a corner. Though I was disoriented, it was easy for me to get out of the bindings." I take a few gulps of air and Chris rubs my back and Angelo puts a hand on my leg, "He must have thought I would have never thought to escape because he left the window unlocked. It hurt once I hurled myself out believe me, but it was that or risk dying everyday I was held captive. He must have heard me fall because afterwards I heard him barrel after me, yelling like the maniac he is. I hobbled to the nearest neighbors house and banged on the front door," Another few breaths. "It was a gay couple that lived there. They open up and found my battered body. One of the guys pulled me inside and called the police. The other one tried to stop 'him' from coming in the house and shoved him down their front porch steps." Another few breaths. "They found out I had a concussion and I passed out there. I had broken even more of my ribs and caused the concussion when I jumped out of the window."

My mother runs off crying. She's been getting worse and worse everyday, especially now since the anniversary of my father's death. Maybe my father was right. She'll either die of a broken heart or commit suicide. It's sad to say and Braxton is in total denile but it's been a year and she is still acting like he just died and my kiddnapping did help matters. I've learned to face the facts that my mother won't be around much longer and I know that she won't make it to see me walk down the aisle.

Angelo and Chris both get up and I instantly tense up. I know that there was no bad beef between them when Ange left the band but I think the latest news of me being his little sister and the fact that Chris is dating his little sister probably thinned the ice. Chris hugs Angelo tightly. All of the other guys look at me in shock. We all here Chris whisper, "Thank you so much for saving her. I owe you so much you have no idea."

They pull away and Ange smirks, "It's nothing. She's my baby sister so of course I would help her."

I speak up to bring the awkward tearyness to an end, "So I'm thinking pizza and wings from Ziffaro's?" I declare and laugh slightly when I see the light shine in both of their eyes. 

(A/N I know that there is no Ziffaro's in Scranton because it's a little mom and pop pizza shop in my tiny little home town. I just picked them because their wings are sooooo goooood -que mouth watering- Also I don't want to get any hate for having a gay couple save Blythe. I have nothing at all against gays, especially given the fact that I myself am a lesbian. I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as I can. Love ya my lovlies!!)

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