the gas leak

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"Dean, do you and your friends want to come bowling with me and mine?" Cas called through the house. Dean looked up from his multi-coloured notes and nodded, a small smile on his freckled face.

"Great!" Cas grinned brightly and finished his text.

"Oh, I should probably warn you, Charlie and Jo are kinda intense." Dean laughed, remembering his friend's forceful nature.

"I'm sure you're exaggerating. They're probably fine gentlemen." Cas smiled.

"Oh, no, Charlie and Jo are females. Although they are both into chicks. Specifically each other." Dean clarified, looking back to his notes. He let out a groan of frustration and ran his hands through his sandy blonde hair.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked, concern lacing his words. Deans heart swelled as he heard the worry in Cas' voice.

"I'm fine. I just really hate exams." Dean muttered. He heard the floor move behind him and felt Cas place a homemade chocolate cupcake beside his notes.

"Thanks, buddy." Dean chuckled.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Cas asked, eager to ease his (boy)friend's pain.

"I'm good. Thanks though." Dean assured.

"Okay, well we're going this evening, so be ready to take a break then." Cas smiled.

"Of course. Is it just us and our friends?" Dean asked, reshuffling his cue cards.

"And Sam and Gabriel. Do you know they're together now?" Cas asked, grinning widely.

"I knew it. They were so in love. What gave them the push?" Dean asked.

Cas recalled what he had told his older brother when he had first found out about his new roommate.

"I think Gabe just realized you only get one chance," Cas said. Dean detected an underlying sadness and vowed to change that. He would not let Cas be sad again.


Dean and Cas pulled up to the bowling alley in Dean's pride and joy, his 67 Chevy Impala. Cas had accidentally closed the door too hard and Dean had squealed, began baby-talking the car, and glared at Cas. Cas had laughed, which caused Dean to drive off without him. He had eventually come back, but not before Cas had called him and threatened to burn all his class notes.

They entered the alley, got their shoes, and met the group of teenagers, who were sitting there awkwardly, quietly talking to the people they knew, and avoiding the others.

"Alright, introductions! This is Charlie, Jo and Benny." Dean smiled, pointing to a redhead, blonde, and brunette in turn.

Charlie was a quirky redheaded geek. Cas couldn't figure any other way to describe her. She was hilarious, really really sweet, and really into chicks. Her denim jacket was dotted with various fandom pins, and Cas' heart gave a little leap when he saw his fandoms on there.

Jo was badass, uninterested, and completely in love with Charlie. She was caring but took shit from no-one. Cas could already tell if he ever hurt Dean, Jo would be the one to physically scar him because of it.

Benny was a warm-hearted, lovable, southern gentleman. He was wearing a hat that shouldn't look good but somehow suited him. He appeared to be a big ol' softie, but Cas could tell there was some hidden darkness in there. One thing Cas couldn't help but notice was his unnaturally sharp incisors.

They all smiled and waved, and Cas blushed and shyly waved back, Charlie leaned over and whispered something to Dean, who blushed as well and sat down hastily.

"Okay, this is Kevin, Garth, and Nikki." Cas pointed to his group.

Kevin was a nerdy Asian student, with a little bit of stubble, and messy hair. Dean could see he was intelligent in his eye, but he saw bravery in them too. He knew he'd like him.

Garth was a goof. He had kind brown eyes, brown hair and a grin that lit up the room. Dean smiled at him and Garth stood up and hugged him. Dean stiffened and stood stock still until Garth finally released him.

Nikki was a goddess. Dark features, including long full eyelashes and hair, cropped just above her chin, complimented her eyes, the colour of a Hawaii shallows storm. Freckles dusted her nose and pencil smudged the side of her hands, one of which was wrapped around a camera, and once it looked like she knew how to use. Power and beauty seemed to radiate off her, mixing with an aura of positivity and light. Dean couldn't help but notice the danger within her energy and made a mental note not to anger her.

"And of course you all know Gabe and Sam." Dean pointed to the two of them.

"Oi!" Cas yelled, causing the two them to break apart. Sam blushed and looked down, whereas Gabe merely cocked an eyebrow.

"What? Sam's a hot piece of ass, I-" Gabe was cut off by Sam slapping him in the arm.

"Alright, intro's are done, let's bowl bitches!" Charlie yelled, causing the family in the lane over to glare at the group. Charlie just smirked. Jo came up behind her and pecked her cheek, taking a bowling bowl.


Halfway through their second game, Charlie sidled up to Cas.

"Look, I know you think he'll reject you, but I can tell he loves you." She whispered. Cas tilted his head and squinted his royal blue eyes.

"Who?" Cas asked, fighting a burning blush and pretending not to know who she was talking about.

"You know exactly who. Now get that boy and kiss him senseless before I make you." She smiled sweetly, winked her aquamarine eye and walked away to steal Benny's hat.

Watching Benny chase after Charlie, cheered on by everyone, Cas contemplated her words. He knew he would never have the courage to act, but oh god he wished he could.


Nikki walked up to Dean and tapped his shoulder twice. He turned around and looked down at the 5'3 figure, a confused smile on his face.

"Why aren't you with Cas yet?" She asked, her tone like a sugar-coated blade.

"What?" Dean sputtered out, not letting the blush show on his face.

"Cas. You. Together. Romantically." Nikki spelt out, the sugar fading.

"I don't-" Dean began.

"Please don't tell me you don't love him, it's obvious. And he loves you, he really does. And.... and if you promise, if you swear you won't hurt him, that you'll treat him like a king and he will do the same to you in return, please tell him. He's spent so much time wondering and over-analyzing " Nikki cut him off, before walking away and beginning to cheer on Charlie, who had just narrowly avoided Bennys frantic grab.

Dean watched the gang as they all laughed and cheered Benny and Charlie on.

Nikki's words rang through his head, and with a new resolve, he swore to himself he was going make Cas his again. No matter what it took. Unless Cas didn't want that. Dean had hurt Cas once, and he couldn't hurt him again.


Short and weak chapter, I now, just needed to introduce a couple of characters and plot points. Thanks for reading silver nuggets, keep keeping on!

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