Chapter 15

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"Just please tell me.." I spoke quietly.

He hesitated and went stiff as he paused for a long while, deciding whether to tell me or not.

"Min Yoongi."

Those words hit me like a truck.

Min Yoongi.

The boy that sits right next to Jimin in class. The boy I always see near him. The boy who I knew was always a jerk and I never noticed.

How could I have never noticed that? Yoongi always hung close to Jimin. How could I not see that Jimin was afraid? How could I never see that in his eyes or in his body?

"He's everywhere, Rin-Ah." He cried.

"I can't get away. He hurts me and I can't stop me." He sniffed, his gaze on the ground.

"Jimin.." I could barely even get that out, let alone an entire sentence.

"I-I'm sorry I never noticed." And with that I grabbed him by the waist and sat onto his lap so I could hug him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly as I heard his sobs come out of his mouth. He buried his face into my neck as he grasped onto me.

"I'm sorry."


The day had ended and once again I had detention. It wouldn't be that bad, but of course Jungkook just had to be in detention with me.

I walked into detention and turned toward the desks and of course, there was Jungkook with his signature smirk.

"Hey, babe." He smiled as he watched me sit down next to him.

"Don't fucking babe me." I scoffed.

I wasn't in the mode for any of his bullshit. Especially after what had happened with Jimin not long ago. I was so exhausted and sad at the same time.

"What's wrong with you, damn." He chuckled as he turned his entire body towards me.

"Jungkook, you've made my day hell and I'm so sick and tired of you making me worse than I am already."

"Worse how?" He raised one eyebrow in disbelief.

"Do I look like I'm having a good day?" I pointed to my face and scoffed at him.

"No, you look like.." he paused.

"Like you've been crying." He continued.

"I haven't." I laughed at him, even thought I was lying straight through my teeth.

When will he learned to just leave me alone?

I'm so sick of his perverted ass.

"Okay, okay." He chucked at my reaction.

There was a silence that went in for awhile, and it was actually the best you've felt today. Just peace and quiet. But of course, Jeon Jungkook had to ruin that again.

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