Chapter 27

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It's been only a week since Jungkook and I started dating and everything's been crashing down since then. Too much, too little time. I don't know what to do anymore..

"Sooan, you went to America?!" I scream across the phone as I grabbed my books out of the locker.

"You didn't even bother answering my text or phone calls for a week straight because you were packing? Are you kidding!" I express my anger over the phone as I tried to close my locker calmly, although that didn't happen.

"My dad had a job here.. I'm sorry, Rin-Ah.."

"I'm transferring schools. I won't go back to Korea for at least three year." She spoke sadly as she sighed across the phone.

My best friend of ten years and I won't see her for three years? Are you kidding me?

"But why did you not answer my phone calls or text messages?" I ask frustrated.

"Because.." she started but stopped out of hesitation.

"I was with Namjoon.." she continued.

"What'd you do, fuck him for a week straight?!"


"No, only a couple-" she started but quickly stopped herself.

"Okay, have fun in America, Sooan." I sigh before hanging up the phone.

"What's up with you, pretty lady?" Jimin asked as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Sooan." I sigh.

"Ah." He nods understandingly as he walks with me towards class.

"Jimin, do I really have to punch you again?" Jungkook shoots Jimin a death glare as we enter the classroom.

"Well, it's not like you're going to give her any attention."

"What did you say?" Jungkook asked angrily as he shot daggers at Jimin.

"Your always fucking around with the other classroom girls and say you're working on a project." Jimin scoffs as he sits down in his usual seat.

"You're probably fucking them all." Jimin spat.

"You better watch your mouth. Just because Rin-Ah cares for you doesn't mean I will go easy on you when shit happens." Jungkook gritted his teeth as he looked back at Jimin.

"She'll just hate you more, dick." He spat back.

"Well, it'll be worth it to get rid of your fucking loud ass mouth."

"Maybe I wouldn't open my mouth if you actually treated your girlfriend with respect and payed attention to her." Jimin sighed as he nodded toward me as he spoke to Jungkook.

"I already do." Jungkook smirked as he crossed his arms and turned towards the front of the classroom.

"You're a piece of shit."

It's true. Jungkook has been avoiding me recently. He doesn't talk to me, tease me, or even text me. I see him with other girls all the time but I always brush it off and try my best to convince myself that it's nothing. If only I had opened my eyes sooner..

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