Chapter 22

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"You're such a cocky dick." I scoff as I roll my eyes and stand up from the ground.

"Cocky dick's do it best." He smirked at his remark he made towards me as he watched me start to make my way towards Jimin.

"You sure about that, pretty boy?"

"I know well."

He winked at me before I turned my heel and left with Jimin, down the stairs of the rooftop.


Jimin and I part our ways as we walk down the empty hall. Usually at break time everyone goes outside, but Jimin and I enjoy the rooftop instead, even though it's technically outside.

I quickly grab my textbooks and close my locker. I hate to use the bathroom badly, so I walked to the other side of the school just for the bathroom.

When are they going to get off their lazy asses and fix the bathrooms in my side of the school?

I walk into the bathroom and put my textbooks onto the counter before entering a stall and quickly doing my business. Once finished I wash my hands and grab my textbooks, walking out of the bathroom.

As I walk down the hall I spot someone that made me freeze in my spot.

"Ah, all alone are we?" Yoongi smirked as he neared me.

I let out a shaky breath as I back away down the long hall.

"You shouldn't have tried to stop me, Rin-Ah." He cocked his head to the side in satisfaction as he watches me back away in fear.

"Why did you stick up for that piece of shit?" He chuckled, his voice quietly rang throughout the empty hall.

"You shouldn't have done that." He grabs me shoulders and slams them up against the wall behind me, trapping me.

"You're going to regret you ever did that." He chuckled at himself as he watched my expression of fear.

What is he going to do to me? Is he going to beat me like he did to Jimin?

"P-Please don't." I could feel the hot tears will up in my eyes as I felt the fear in me build up.

"That only makes me enjoy it more." He smirked, leaning in to whisper into my ear.

"Be careful with your words next time." After he whispered that, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

He kicked me hard in my lower stomach making me hold that spot in pain, as I let the hot tears fall down my cheeks.

"It's a shame. You're beautiful." He smirked before kicking me again in that same spot.

I groan loudly as he hit the same spot as before, making much more pain than before.

Before I knew it, I was being punch, kicked, and hit every place you could imagine. It hurt like complete hell, no way out. Only pain.

"S-Stop.. please." I cried in pain as tears continued to fall down my cheeks and my voice cracked.

"Why would I stop?" He smirked devilishly at me before kicking me in my side, right where a bruise was formed from the first time he hit me there, only making it worse.

His kicks were powerful and painful. Each low hurt worse than the other because of the bruises that started to form.

He smiled as he watched me in pain as he continued to kick and hit me.

"There, maybe you'll learn to not stop me next time." He smirked devilishly as he looked at me on the floor, sobbing.


After Yoongi had finally left, I managed to slowly pull myself off the ground. It hurt so bad that tears threatened to fall, but I wouldn't let them. I books, which were scattered throughout the hall would be so much pain for me to pick up. But I needed them for class.

I slowly walked over to each book and carefully bent down the pick each one up. The pain was excruciating.

Why am I so weak..

I though at I picked up my books and replayed what happened to me in my head. I winced at the thought of it.

I shook off the thought and slowly but carefully made my way back to my side of the school.


I finally made it back to my side of the school, just in time for everyone to come back inside. I slowly made my way to the classroom since I already had my books.

"Rin-Ah." Jungkook sang as he walked up to me.

I tried my best to keep a straight face which was really hard since it hurt so bad, and even worse when I walked.

"I have class with you." He smiled.

A sharp pain hit me in my lower stomach making me gasp in pain as tears well up in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook knitted his eyebrows in confusion and worry as he pulled he off to the side of the hallway so we could talk.

"Nothing.." once again, the pain hit me making me hold my stomach in pain.

Jungkook noticed that it was my stomach and gently pulled my arms away from my stomach and lifted my shirt. He widened his eyes as he scanned over the several huge bruises that ran across my entire stomach and continued on down.

"Who did this to you?" He looked up with wide eyes that hinted anger and sadness.

I didn't say anything. What if he did it again? What if Yoongi hurt me again and it was worse?

"Rin-Ah." His voice was soft and gentle as he spoke.

"I can't.. he'll do it again." I put my head down as tears began to fall.

"Hey," He tilted my head up to look at him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb as he cupped my cheeks.

Maybe if I told him, it would be better rather than worse.


Jungkook let go of my cheeks as his hands balled up into a fist.

"Yoongi did this to you?" You could hear the anger and sadness in his voice as he asked.

I just slowly nodded in response.

He quickly turned and ran down the hall with his fists balled and his jaw clenched in anger.

What is he going to do?


FINALLY! I finally updated! Yay!

I'm proud because I usually write these chapters in an hour and I did this one in 30 minutes!


I'm sorry to those who I promised I would post a chapter last night! I got home super late and was so exhausted! But here's one! I hope it makes up for that!

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