Chapter 23

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"Yoongi did this to you?" You could hear the anger and sadness in his voice as he asked.

I just slowly nodded in response.

He quickly turned and ran down the hall with his fists balled and his jaw clenched in anger.

What is he going to do?


Jungkook never came to that class. The entire class he never showed up.

Where could he have gone?

I walk out of class as the bell rings. I pick up all my textbooks and head back to my locker.

Usually, Sooan would be here to greet me. But ever since he met Namjoon they've been together a lot. I see her and still hang out, but he's busy a lot more. I'm happy for her because she finally finally found someone who will treat her good and makes her happy.

I place my books inside my locker and decide to go to the bathroom before class.

I make my way toward the bathroom but as I'm walking I see Jimin.

Hm, should I scare him?

I smirk to myself as I sneak up behind him. I quietly get behind him at finally grab him, causing him to jump and drop his books he had in hand. Once he notices it's me he slaps a hand over his chest.

"You scared me, Rin-Ah! Stop!" He laughs as he tries to calm his heart.

"Sorry not sorry!" I chuckle before helping him pick up his books and papers that fell.

"Here." I laugh as I hand back his books, with a devilishly grin.

"You're pure evil, you know that?"

"Oh, I know." I chuckle before making my way towards the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly do my business before walking towards the sink to wash my hands. That's when I heard two girls talking.

"Have you seen her recently?"

"Yeah, she's such a slut." I heard one of the scoff.

"She thinks she can just take Jungkook and fuck the living shit out of him and she won't have to deal with shit?"

"She's such a fucking slut. That bitch is so annoying. I hope she jumps off a cliff." I heard a small chuckle.

"Don't worry, Rin-Ah will get what she deserves. Fucking bitch."

My eyes widened as I heard my name. I quickly dry my hands and run out of the bathroom before they see me.

What are they going to do?

I brush my thought out of my mind and quickly try to make my way to the classroom before I become late.


The end of the school day came and Jungkook never came back. I began to walk to detention, sighing as I practically dragged myself towards the detention hall.

I walk in and immediately noticed, there was no Jungkook waiting for me. I felt a little sad that he wasn't here, but why?


I walk down the sidewalk, sighing as I walked in pain. The most painful spot I had was the left side of my stomach. It hurt like hell and it was so painful to even walk.

I began to kick at the small pebbles that lay on the ground of the sidewalk. I pass several people as they loudly have conversations.

I opened the door to my apartment and walked in before closing the door. I drag pained body towards the couch and gently lay myself down on the couch. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally feel a lot of the pain go away from resting. Finally, after a day of hard work and pain.. I get to be at home where I have no worries. This is my safe place. I feel my eyelids get heavy as I suddenly feel really tired. I give in to my exhaustion and before I know it I'm fast asleep.


I wake up to the sound of small faint knocks at my front door. I sigh as I try my best to sit up without hurting myself. I eventually get up and walk over to the door. I open it and there stood, Jeon Jungkook, bloodied fists that were covers in cuts, small cuts that lay across his face as he holds onto his side with a wince.

"Jungkook!" My eyes widened as I hurriedly pulled him inside, even if it hurt a little with my bruises.

"What happened!" I asked worriedly as I sat him down onto the kitchen table as I got the first aid kit.

"Ah, this is nothing." He smiled with a wince as he quietly groaned a little as I began to clean the cuts that lay across his knuckles.

"Nothing? Looks at your cuts." I whined at him as I focused on cleaning his cuts.

"What happened?"

"I got into a fight." He smiled proudly.

"Why do you look so proud about a fight?!" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Because, you should see him." He said cheekily as he raised an eyebrow.

"He's a lot worse." He chuckles at his words, a hint of cockiness in his voice.

"Why did you fight in the first place?" I groaned as I moved on to the small cuts on his face.

The smile left his face as he just stared at me. Not a word left his mouth. He continued to stare at me intently. That's when I noticed how close I was to him. I made eye contact with him as I stopped cleaning his cut.

His eyes never left mine as he just stared at me with a look of gentleness.

He slowly leaned in as our lips slowly grazed against each other. His eyes flashed down to my lips that grazed his before turning his gaze back to me. He finally connected us as he pressed his lips gently on mine. He gently placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing my cheek while his other hand was laying in his lap.

For the first time, I kissed him back. I finally gave into him. I pushed myself into the kiss more as I wanted more of this gently kiss.

But what will become of me?

What will happen to me now that I've given into him?

Will I... lose my v card?


Ah, hello my beautiful readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I've been trying to write as much as possible! You can't say I never update!


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