Chapter 3

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“Listen Lexie. I want to… I want to be like you. I want to walk the streets like I own them. I don’t wanna be scared of anything, because then I’m held back from doing really cool shit.” I laughed, “Kian it’s not like that. When I first moved here with Connor, I wasn’t happy. For me to be like I am now, it took a death, it took moving from Minnesota to California. It took my dad packing up and leaving. It took my mom never speaking to me again. It took my friends calling my school and telling the principal that I carried a gun with me every day to school. It took my so called, ‘friends’ calling me a slut and a bitch and a whore, and every single cuss word in the book. It took Connor telling me that I was worthless… worthless Kian, worthless… And yeah I got over that stuff, sure… But I went through it. And even then I still wasn’t sure I wanted to change.” He wasn’t sold yet so I continued. “Not sold yet huh? Well then, let me tell you a few stories. We’ll start off with the last day of school, you know that place we went to every day up until about two weeks ago? Well that first period when the bell rang to go I looked at my teacher. All up in Mr.whatevers face and said to him, F*ck you. F*ck you so much, I really do hate you. I heard him crying, CRYING KIAN F*CKING CRYING! A GROWN MAN, AT LEAST FORTY YEARS OLD CRYING! KNEES ON THE GROUND, HEAD IN HIS HAND KIAN!”

Connor’s POV:

Sam and I heard Lexie yelling upstairs and I flinched at the hurtful words. We both knew very well what was happening. “So Sam, do you actually want Kian to change?” I asked him watching him dance randomly across the room. He laughed with me and sat down on the floor across from me on the floor. “About that. The day after school let out, Lex and I were chilling at the pier. She said she wanted to go on the ferris wheel, watch the waves crash and all. So we did.” He chuckled, “But the ride got stalled when we were at the very top. It was so funny. Before it was fixed, she leaned towards me and smirked. She said and I quote, Sam you’re sorta like me. Yah know, extremely hot, funny…. rebelling. I like you. So if you ever want me to you know, change you, just know that I never will. Because I know that you already are a rebel, and there is absolutely nothing I could change for you… I’ll never forget those words of hers... Because those simple words made me feel like I was something, like I had a purpose.”

Lexie’s POV:

“KIAN! COME ON! Seriously if you are going to just sit there and think that I’m amazing with what I do, then you need to really get your life in line! I’m not helping you.” Yeah I know, way to blow up all in his face but still. He got up and walked to the door, “Fine… I guess I’ll just ask Sam.” Before he left he smirked at me, “Because I know he is EXACTLY like you Lexie, a clone.” I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, “How do you… H-how do you know?” He scoffed, “Know? Know what, that he’s a rebel in your eyes? Yeah, I know.” My eyes started to get heavy, “Kian please don’t. I want you to stay who you are!” He turned and faced me fully, “What do you mean? I’m not fragile Lexie, I can handle myself.” Before I could say any words he took off downstairs. I followed him close behind. He opened the door but I yelled his name. He turned around angrily, “What?” I ignored Sam and Connor’s shocked and scared faces, “Kian you could get hurt. I just don’t want that! And think about it, you could die!” He smirked and just before slamming the door said, “What? You mean like Gavin?” And with that he slammed the door and was off. I broke down in tears and fell to the floor with tears pouring out. I might as well have been Niagra Falls in that moment. My eyes were so fog filled and teary that I don’t even remember what happened next.

Connor’s POV:

Sam and I both ran over to Lexie on the floor. I grabbed her left arm, Sam her right, and we pulled her up. Before we could do or say anything she ran out the door. Sam looked at me, “What…the…f*ck…just…happened?” I stood there my mouth opened, my eyes wide, “I.. don’t.. know.” Sam ran over to the door and pulled on his coat, “Yo I’m gonna go try to find Lexie. Just stay here, I think I know where she is.” I nodded as he ran out. I exhaled slowly and walked over to the coat rack where Kian’s jacket was. I decided to text Sam saying I was going to try and find him.


Hey I’m gonna check to try and find Kian, alrite?


Alright text me if yah do J

I walked out the door after slipping into my jacket and went to check for him.

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