Chapter 9

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Lexie’s POV:

I sat down in my spinny chair while Kian sat in front of me on my bed. He sighed, “So are we like starting today, or whatever?” I laughed, “Oh no. I want to make sure you get the type of person I am.” He nodded, Alright, I guess so. I mean if you say so but are you sure, I think I know you pretty well already.” I rolled my eyes, “Oh trust me… you have no clue.” I waited a good two minutes before I began my story.

“Kian I was three when I saw my first gun. I was seven when I shot my first gun. The first time I ever said f*ck you to a teachers face was when I was eight years old. I’m not the normal rebel so to say. I don’t own a gun- although sometimes I wish I did. But what I do own is dignity. And a strong sense of who I am too. Most people who live on Earth come and go without ever finding out who they really are. Well, that’s not gonna happen to me. I know who I am. And that’s what I would help you with. People think I change people, but trust me I don’t. Gavin was different. I’m sure that you’ve heard the all so popular rumor of Gavin’s death being my fault. That I made him do what he did. But trust me him putting the gun to his jaw wasn’t any angel telling him to do it…. it was me. I didn’t think he would actually do it. It was just supposed to be a game, and nothing more. But… it was just stupid. It was just a STUPID game that we shouldn’t have played, but we DID. ANd the problem is I left him there. I left, walked out, well ran out. Sure I called an ambulance. But I lied and told them it was a suicide. HIS FAMILY THINKS THAT THEIR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD SHOT HIMSELF! HIS OWN FAMILY! They told me they were sorry for MY LOSS! MY LOSS, I DIDN’T LOSE ANYTHING BUT THE SIGHT OF MY PATH! BUT I STEERED MYSELF BACK ONTO A PATH. A PATH WORSE THAN THE ONE BEFORE IT! THE ONE THAT GOT ME INTO THAT WHOLE MESS! For one entire year I did drugs, got high, got drunk, slept with a few guys, I still have no clue why. Though, that’s a lie. I do know why. It’s because I took a path that wasn’t really made properly. Think of it like this street. When the street guys or whatever they’re called, pave the street… sometimes they don’t finish. But certain trucks gotta get through, so those trucks steer onto that road and drive over the terrible paving job- unfinished, rocky tar. That street is my path… And that truck is me. I don’t think you were meant to go down that path Kian. I don’t think anyone is. I don’t even think I’m supposed to be on this path. But I know that I’m just going through a detour. God’s detour for me that makes me find who I really am. Not just some bullshit stereotype. But who I am deep down inside of me… the real girl who took a detour in her life. But all detours lead somewhere. All of them do, and that’s what my detour’s doing to me right now. So I’ll drive past your house one day, ater my roads paved. And you can see I’ve changed, because I want to, I want to change, I really do. So Kian, I’m going to help you. Help you to see the light in you and pave the beginning of your road. And then I’ll hand off the tar to you, and you’ll finish the job.” I gulped, “And you know sometimes I wish I did tell Gavin’s parents that it was all my fauly. But I keep remembering all the times that Gavin would tell me… don’t admit to the things you do. Because if someone really wants to know the truth, they’ll come to you. And then, and only then will I tell his parents.” Kian looked shocked, “So why don’t you just do it now… get it over with?” I smiled and looked up at him, “Because they never asked."

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