Chapter 15

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Lexie’s POV:

He looked from Kian and Sam to me with his green eyes, piercing me, seeing into my soul and killing me as if he were a cop and I were the criminal. “Even you Lexie, especially you. So you can go ahead and sleep with every guy in this neighborhood, all of them actually. I know you want to. And do all the drugs in the world, all of them! And if you wanna smoke, sure why not? Go right on ahead!  AND IF YOU FEEL LIKE BANGING SAM, GO AHEAD! KIAN, GO AHEAD! I DON’T CARE! AND DO NOT COME LOOKING FOR ME BECAUSE I HATE YOU!” Before he walked out the door he whispered to us, “All of you.” And as the door closed, my conscience closed, and I wasn’t thinking straight, but when do I? I fell to the ground and my eyes filled with tears. Sam rushed over to me and picked me back up, “Lexie you’re stronger than this. Don’t listen to him, don’t go back to old habits. Do not, you’re stronger than that.” Kian smiled and came over to me, wiping his own tears, “Lex I know you better than this, and if I know one thing… you don’t take insults very well. So don’t let it get to you. He’s still your brother and you love him. And he loves you.” I shook my head and pulled away from Sam’s grip,”Guys I need to be alone.” I ran upstairs and collapsed onto my bed, what the f*ck just happened? This has happened to Connor and I before, but we got over it. And back then it was silly little shit, now this… this was real, and trust me I felt it.

Sam’s POV:

I paced around the living room, Kian watching me on the couch, “Dude you gotta chill out.” “CHILL OUT!” I screamed stopping before him. He laughed, “It was just a lie, he overreacted.” I smiled, “Overreacted, oh really? Last time I checked pretending someone’s dying isn’t really funny. So if you think it is, that’s just messed up. But whatever, now Connor’s pissed and Lexi’s heartbroken. Do you even understand what being a so called rebel means?” He shook his head, I guess he never looked it up. I sighed at him and shrugged, “It means someone who’s anti-authority. They don’t obey the rules. In other words, they don’t really give a shit. Kian they also don’t care if someone gets hurt in the process of their life. They don’t care about anything, they just don’t. And I know you care about a lot of things.” He dropped his head down, “I just wanted to feel cool. Sam I wanted to feel like I was… popular. Worth something, someone who people respected.” I kneeled down in front of my best friend of 10 years, “Kian you can’t think that you’re not respected here. Every kid on this street loves you.” “Yeah but they don’t fear me.” He looked up and played with his hands, “Sam I wanna be respected, not loved. Because then I’m just a mama’s boy, and I definetly don’t want that.” I smiled, “Well Lexie’s not gonna do that for you. She’s just gonna steer you down a path you know nothing about. So before you get into a car you don’t know how to drive, take a driving lesson and buckle up. Because let me tell you, not all roads have stop signs or red lights. And on the roads you’re going down, barely any of them will have road markers.”

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