Chapter 14

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Kian’s POV:

I stood outside of the Franta’s door nervous to open it. I had no clue what to say, but I knew Lexie would never forgive me if I didn’t. I opened the door and ran inside, “CONNOR- LEXIE’S HURT! SHE, uh, THIS GUY, HE ATTACKED HER AND SHE IS STILL AT THE PARK, CONNOR COME HELP ME!!!!” He laughed, “Funny.” Sam was cracking up, “Kian you suck at lying.” I remembered what Lexie said: never reveal a lie. “NO GUYS THIS ISN’T A JOKE I’M SERIOUS!!!” Connor slightly stiffened up, “Kian you are not a good liar.” He looked at me with concerned eyes, I almost had him believe me. The door burst open again behind me and Lexie came in and collapsed with blood on her. The plan slipped from my mind and she reached her hand out to me but Connor came up and pushed me out of the way, “LEXIE!!” He pulled her up and Sam came up and checked her pulse, “She’s breathing okay. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED KIAN?” “I told you there was this guy, and he started kicking her and pushed me away. I JUST TOLD YOU!” Sam stood up and looked at me. He backed me up to the wall, “Kian I know when you’re lying.” I gulped, “What do you mean Sam? I’m not lying she’s right there!” By now we were far from Lexie and Connor and I hoped that this was all still part of Lexie’s mastermind plan. “Kian you’re lying, aren’t you?” I looked at him, “What? No no no, Sam she’s bleeding you have to call 911!” He laughed sheepishly and put his hand on his chin, “Kian you’re so dumb. If Lexie was really hurt than you would have already called 911… and the cops. Oh Kian you’re so stupid sometimes.” He laughed again and slowly walked backwards still facing me, “Kian listen, if you want to show Lexie you can lie, which I know that is what’s going on here, then you need to not say uh. And stop being so wordy. Seriously a three year old would laugh at your little skit.” I smiled quirkishly, “Yeah sure whatever. I guess we should go tell Connor.” We walked over to Connor and pulled him off of Lexie, “Connor it was a joke, that’s all fake blood on her.” He looked back up at me with teary eyes, “A joke?” He stood up and looked at me, I nodded trying not to be intiminated by him. Lexie stood up and brushed some dirt off of her, “Yes Connor, it was to teach Kian how to lie.” He spun around and went to Lexie, “Seriously? Lex how could you do that to me, you know I love you Lexie?!” She shrugged, “Connor it was a lesson. I’m sorry.” He exhaled slowly, “I hate you guys, I really do. Even you Lexie. I really do hate you, all of you.” He looked at Lexie…

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