Chapter 17

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Lexie’s POV:

I stepped over the cigarette and the dark black ash formed a circle on my white carpet. I sighed and drunkenly walked downstairs- bunking into walls and hitting my arms on the railing along the way. I laughed and my eyes met Sam and Kian’s on the couch. Kian squinted his eyes and came up to me. Sam followed close behind, “Yo Kian, remember… she’s mine.” Kian laughed popping his gum and squinted his eyes more, “Lexie have you been drinking?” Sam laughed, "Yeah as if she… wait, Lex you did get rid of all the leftover liquor and stuff right?” I nodded giggling and slurred my words, “Y-ye-yeaaaahh ooooooooff c-cour-courssssse, yahsssssssss I d-diiiidd!” Sam grabbed my wrists and moved my body to the side, “Kian go upstairs to see if she actually did.” He nodded and walked upstairs, glaring backwards down at me. I heard him mumbling to himself, “Shit Lexie I really hope this isn’t the old you.” I smiled at Sam, he ushered me to sit down on the chair, I did and leaned back. I wonder if ponies come from chairs, like a pony with a chair mama. I giggled, Sam glared at me, “What are you laughing at Lexie? Nothing’s funny here.” I tried to put on a serious face but I slipped into a grin and laughed. I put my hand on Sam’s shoulder, “You’re hot.” He moved my hand back down, “Lexie stop.” I put my hand on his cheek, “But you aaree ssssss-sssssooo-ooo hot-tt-hotttt.” He moved my hand again, “Lexie stop it now. You’re high.” I tilted my head and squinted my eyes in confusion, “Am I?” He laughed and nodded, “Wasted.” I laughed and threw my head back, “YYYAAAAAAYYY!” Sam shushed me, “Shhh, be quiet Lex.” I smirked and put my finger up to his lips, his eyes followed my pointer finger. “Ssssshhh, you b-beee qu-quiett Sssssss-Saaaaammmm.” I pointed my finger and he followed it to behind him where Kian stood holding an empty pack of cigarettes and two bottles of empty liquor. Sam’s gaze fell back to me, “What the hell Lexie?” He moved away from me, “How can a girl your size handle that much liquor and smoke?” Kian put the stuff down on the table and pulled out an empty plastic bag with a white substance on the bottom. Sam turned around with disgust on his face, “Lexie, how the f*ck did you get your hands on cocaine?” I smirked and tried to stand up, stabilizing myself on the wall to my right, “Myyyy m-mmooommm had sssssommee in heerrrrr closssssseeettt.” Kian put the bag down and walked over to me taking my hands in his and bent down to look right into my eyes, “Why?” By now Sam was upstairs probably looking if a unicorn was up there. I really like unicorns, like the pinky and purple ones, with GLITTER AND SPARKLES!!! Hehe, yeah those ones. Kian looked at me for a good minute, “Lexie why did you do that? You do remember when you stopped right? You said that you hated what you were, the things you did. So, why go back to that stuff?” I actually sort of understood what he meant, “KIAN LAWLEY I loooovveee Connnoooorrrr Frrraantttaaaaaaa and heeee issss goooonneeee!!!!!” He let go of my hands and I fell backwards onto the chair. I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck, “Kiki thattt hurrrtt!!!” He sighed and looked down at the ground, “I hate it when you’re high.” And then I fell asleep.

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