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I wake up, remembering that today is the day that I start my new job as an F1 at Holby E.D. I get out of bed and into my son's , Quentin, room to wake him up. After I struggle to get him out of bed, we go into the living room, i sit him down on the sofa and put his favourite TV show on, Alviiiiiiiiiiin! And the chipmunks. I make Q some breakfast, eat mine, get him dressed, get myself dressed, pack his bag, pack my bag, grab keys, go back inside because I forgot something,go back to the car, drive to Lewis' place, drop Q off, go to Starbucks and grab a coffee, go to work.

I park my car and get out. I walk into the E.D and it's amazing. I make my way to the front desk where a man is working. His name tag says Noel.

"Hi, I'm Spencer Evans, new F1 I've been told to report to a Mrs Beauchamp?" I ask politely.

"Oh yeah, Connie, her office  is to the left." He replies.

I say thanks and walk off to find Mrs Beauchamp. I knock on her office door and when she say so, I enter. Her office is very nice and neat.

"Hi Mrs Beauchamp, I'm Spencer Evans, the new F1." I say smiling.

"Oh yes, hello, your mentor should be here any minute." She says smiling back.

A few minutes later the door knocks, Mrs Beauchamp tells them to enter and in walks a man with glasses. He has blonde hair and hazel eyes, a really weird combination.

"You said you wanted to see me Mrs Beauchamp?" He asks.

"Yes, Dr Hardy this is the new F1, the one you said you would mentor." Mrs Beauchamp says.

"Oh yes, hi I'm Dr Ethan Hardy, your mentor." He says turning to me and shaking my hand.

"Spencer Evans, new F1."

I follow Ethan to the staff room, where he gives me my scrubs, he shows me the bathroom where I get changed. Once I'm changed we go to cubicles. There is a little girl sitting on the bed, her parents either side of her.

"Dr Evans, this is Tilly Longleet, aged 8, she fell from a climbing frame bumping her head and hurting her arm." Explains Ethan.

"Ok Tilly, let's take a look at your head ok?" I ask.

I examine her arm and it's really swollen, it had bumps on it, like it had been stung by a stinging nettle.

"Ok I see major swelling on the right with what looks like stinging nettle bumps on top, did you fall on anything other than your arm Tilly?" I asked.

"A bush I think?" She replies..

I sit in the staffroom waiting for Ethan to return from the bathrooms, he was nice, I liked him alot. In walked a doctor who I had never seen, he has blonde hair aswell and Grey scrubs. He walked over to me.

"Dr Caleb Knight, but you can call me Cal,lovely to meet you." He says very formal.

"Dr Spencer Evans new F1. Nice to meet you too." I say shaking his hand.

"So why don't after this, me, you go to the pub?" He asks.

"Ok, sure, can I invite my mentor?" I reply.

"Depends who it is." He says laughing.

"Here he comes now." I say as Ethan comes walking into the room.

"Nibbles? Your mentor is nibbles?" Says Cal astonished.

"Who's nibbles?" I asked concerned.

"Me, some stupid nickname cal gave to me when we were younger." Ethan sighs.


"He's my brother!" Cal and Ethan say at the same time.

Ok this just got real crazy, real fast. So I have a crush on two boys, who happen to be brothers. Oh great!

I start to finish up my shift, I was talking to Ethan when suddenly in rushes Lewis, with an unconscious Q in his arms. Ethan catches my gaze and so does Cal, who is standing behind us now.

"Spencer, I just didn't know what to do!" Exclaims Lewis...

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