two chapters in one

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He is fine
I walk through to the staff room where Cal is sitting on his phone. I sit down next to him and smile.

"Ethan's fine Cal." I say and cal sighs a sigh of relief.

"Hallelujah!" Says Cal, a single tear rolling down his face.

We walk through to cubicles where Ethan is asleep, we enter and Ethan's eyes flutter open.

"Sorry I scared you both, my legs gave way, I hurt my head,it happened a few days ago but I steadied myself. I told connie and she said that I'm gonna have to have a wheelchair, perminantly." Says Ethan sadly, I walk round to his side and kiss his hair, whilst playing with it. Cal looks at us both and goes to walk out but bumps into Alicia.

"Sorry!" He says but Alicia gives him and me a dirty look.

"Save it Caleb!" She says and she storms off. Cal sits down on a chair and sulks like a little kid.

"Well that was awkward!" I say and then I feel Ethan tugging on my shirt.

"Oxygen mask please!" He says breathlessly, I pass the oxygen mask and sit down besides the bed.

I play with his hair and stare at Cal, who is still sulking.

"Hey Caleb," I say and he looks up.

"Yes??" He says grumpily.

"Oh come on mr grumpy grump! So me a smile!" I say in a silly voice that I use for Q when he is upset. Cal starts laughing." I win!"

"Sure you do!" Says Cal sarcastically. We both burst out laughing and joking.

"Have you heard the joke about the dog that was ill?" I say laughing.

"No!" Says Cal laughing.

"I would tell you but he feels a bit ruff!" I say with a laugh and Cal bursts out laughing even more.

"Oh...oh stop... I...I can't b... breath!" Says Cal trying to catch his breath but still laughing.

We hear someone groan angrily, we look down and Ethan is asleep, my arm around his shoulder.

"Shh, shh we better be Q...quiet!" I whisper with a laugh, we both wipe our eyes from crying with laughter and then we stand up.

I kiss Ethan's head and cal does the same and then we leave. We get into the car and drive back to the flat.

"Thanks for cheering me up!" Says Cal.

"Your welcome." I say.

"He feels a bit ruff!" Says Cal and we burst into fits of giggles again.

Not again Caleb
We enter the flat still laughing, Brady looks at us confused.

"Hey Brady have you heard the joke about the dog who felt ill?" Asks cal through laughter.

"What?" Asks Brady.

"I would tell you but he feels a bit ruff!" Laughs me and Cal, Brady gives us another weird look.

"Bye freaks!" Says Brady running out of the flat.

Me and Cal collapse onto the sofa in fits of laughter, then Cal kisses me. We pull apart and I look at him then he kisses me again.

"Cal, no not again!" I say.

"Shh Ethan and Alicia don't have to know!" Says Cal pressing his lips against mine again.

"No no Cal please!" I beg but he shuts me up by kissing me more."no! You know how angry Ethan gets!"

"I don't care." He says kissing me, he takes off my jacket.

"I do Cal please-" I begin but he cuts me off by kissing me more and more, he goes to take his shirt off but I slap him around the face.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry ,sorry Spencer please I am so so sorry!" He says begging for forgiveness.

"Go!" I say, he looks at me blankly." GO!"

He gets up and runs out of the flat and I start crying, Q comes out of his room confused. I pick him up and put him on my lap.

"Mummy? Why are you crying?" He asks innocently." Is it daddy? Is he ok?"

"No daddy is ok, but he is very sick, you know that don't you?" I say and he nods." Bedtime I think.

I get into my car and rush to the hospital, I feel so bad I think I might be sick. I run into the hospital and say hi to Noel. I grab a sick bowl and throw up!

"Woah, Cal are you ok?" Asks Noel concerned.

"I'm fine just feel a bit under the weather." I lie, I wipe my mouth and go and see Ethan.

He is awake and talking to David, he spots me and smiles widely. David leaves and I feel guilt building.

"I'm sorry!" I cry.

"Huh?" Says Ethan confused.

"I made a move on Spence, I'm so so sorry bro!" I cry even more.

"Cal." He whines." Don't let it happen again, and is that why you have a hand mark on your cheek?"

"Yes!" I sniff.

"Well I have told Spencer I am allowed home tomorrow morning!" He says happily.

"That's great news, Q has missed you!"

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