Elliot and Eliza

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Elliot and Eliza


Mummy and Ethan leave and me and Jason put our coats and bags onto hooks next to eachother. We sit down at a table next to eachother that also have four other people on it, two girls and two boys. The teacher hands out stickers and we each have to put our names on them. I look around at the four others on my table to see there names.

There is
Harry who has red hair and glasses and green eyes.

Jemima who has brown hair and blue eyes.

Elliot who has blonde hair and blue eyes

Eliza who has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Once we finish writing on the stickers the teacher tells us to stick them where our coats are. Me and Jason walk to the other side of the room to put our sticker by the coats when suddenly I get pushed down. I hit my arm on the floor and try not to cry, I look up and Elliot is laughing at me, tears filling my eyes. Then I notice that I have been pushed down by Eliza. Jason helps me up and we walk away, me rubbing my arm.

The teacher asks if I was ok and I nodded, she moved us to a different table that had two other children on it(Called Max and Lucy). Then the teacher gives us a sheet to fill out, I fill it out with help from the teacher who writes it as a draft and I copy. Then we have snack time.

I go back to my bag with Jason and I pull out my snack, a yogurt go bar. I sit on the play carpet with Jason eating and playing, when Elliot and Eliza come over again. Elliot grabs my yogurt go bar out of my hand and splits it with Eliza, who happens to be his twin sister. I start to get upset when Jason shares his fruit roll up with me.

"Why are you small?" She asks rudely.

"Because I am." I reply.

Then Elliot snatches the last of my fruit roll up and they walk away. Next comes nap time. I grab my dummy from my bag and lay down next to Jason, who falls asleep right away, but I can't so I just lay there.

Everyone wakes up and it's time to grab our things and go. I grab my worksheet to show mummy and Ethan. The teacher leads us to the reception area where we have to wait until we see our parents.

"I see my mummy!" I say when I see mummy and Ethan standing in the corner talking. The teacher says I can go and I run up to them.

Ethan has his arms stretched out for a hug and he lifts me up onto his hip, he kisses my nose and then passes me to mummy, who kisses me on the cheek. I show them my work sheet and I see Ethan smile.

 I show them my work sheet and I see Ethan smile

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"But I'm not your daddy," he says.

"Yes you are!" I say laughing.

"Come on monkey, time to go." Says mummy.

She grabs my hand and I say bye to Jason and we get in the car. Mummy and Ethan talk in the front about adult stuff whilst I look out of the window. Mummy says she has a surprise and then I see the house, it's uncle Brady's and auntie Lydia's house!

I am seeing one of my cousin's, because the other one is still at school.
We get out of the car and walk into uncle Brady's and auntie Lydia's house, there dog called Dan runs up to us excitedly and out come uncle brady!

Uncle brady hugs me and kisses me and then we go into the living room. My big cousin JoJo is lying on the sofa asleep, he is three. My biggest cousin is called Sara and she is 8 and at school. We all sit down on the other sofa and mummy introduces Ethan.

JoJo wakes up and we all go outside. JoJo has a swing set outside and we like to play on it and run around. We play it and then Uncle Brady makes us sandwiches. My has jam in it and JoJo's has Peanut butter in it. We play some more and then auntie Lydia goes to pick Sara up.

Sara walks outside and see me, she picks me up and kisses me on the cheek. We all play it and then Ethan and Uncle Brady join in. I trip over and hurt my knee.

I watch as Quentin falls over and hurts his knee. He starts crying and I instantly run over to him, his knee is bleeding and I am hugging him tightly, Spencer comes over panicking.

"My ankle hurts!" Whines Q.

"Ok ok, call Iain and Jez Spencer, I think his ankle is broken." I say.
Iain and Jez arrive and drive the three of us to the hospital, Brady, Lydia, Sara and JoJo coming by car.

We walk into the hospital behind the stretcher and they pass Cal Q's medical notes, out of all the doctors it had to be Cal!

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