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"You ok?" Asks Cal walking out of the on call room.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"You do realise that he will change, he will become weaker and weaker by the day. His symptoms have just started showing, he could have mental breakdowns randomly, he could hurt you, or Quentin or the baby." He says.

"That's a chance I'm willing to take, I love him and he loves me!" I reply.

"But Spencer, he could hurt all three of you!" Says Cal then we hear a noise from the on call room. We look at eachother, panicked!

"Ethan? Are you ok?" I Call out and I can hear Ethan sobbing.

Me and Cal push the door open and see Ethan in a corner with his hands over his ears, rocking back and forth. On the other side of the room are his glasses, smashed, his hand is all cut and bleeding. Cal sits down next to Ethan and gets him to calm down, whilst I clean up . This is what Cal was on about, random breakdowns. I look back over at the brothers and find Ethan leaning into Cal's shoulder and Cal resting his head on Ethan's head. I walk over and sit down infront of Ethan.

"Come on Ethan, we will get that hand sorted out." I say to him gently, he looks up at me.

"No!" he says leaning into Cal's shoulder even more, so his face is hidden.

"Bro, you're hurt, we need to get this sorted out!" Says Cal impaitently .

"I said no!" Says Ethan.

"Ethan, what happened?" I ask, he looks back into my eyes.

"I heard you outside," he says sadly.

"Ok that hand is bleeding pretty bad!" Says Cal, he grabs Ethan's arms and helps him up.

Ethan starts lashing out and yelling, then Max, Iain, Jez and Jacob come rushing in to help. I grab a bed quickly and they all put him on the bed and rush him downstairs​. Ethan's screaming for them to get off of him.

"Right, he is loosing a lot of blood, he could past out at any minute, let's get him to resus please!" Says Jacob.

"GET OFF ME, PLEASE STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" yells Ethan wriggling around and screaming the place down.

"Ethan, please calm down, we are here to help!" Pleads Cal,stressed. " I'm sorry for what I said, please just Calm down, please!"

Cal rushes back to me and pulls me into a hug, we rush along side the bed, where they are putting oxygen on Ethan just incase he passes out. Ethan is looking into my eyes and is trying not to close his.

"Spencer, I don't care that you slept with Cal behind my back" he says out of breath. They wheel him into resus and hook him up to the machines.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Your brother..." He says before passing out because of blood loss.

Me and Cal look at eachother and then he walks out of resus. I look at Ethan on the bed and then follow Cal. Cal is in the staffroom, he breakdown into tears in front of me. I walk over to him and hug him, then Charlie sees him and we all sit on the sofa.

"I can't do this guys." Cal finally manages to say.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Look after Ethan, he is my baby brother and I can't look after him, help him or sees him in pain!" Cries Cal, Charlie hugs him and Cal sobs into his shoulder and I grab his hand.

"Caleb, we can get through this together, as a family. Right now Ethan needs his big brother and his girlfriend in there to hello him get through this!" I say.

Cal nods and walks to resus with Charlie, I go to leave,but my phone rings. It's my sister!

"Yes?" I ask.

"Quentin wants his Mummy." She says.

"Be there in ,10!" I say.

I grab my E.D jacket, that still smells like Ethan, and head towards resus. I open the doors, tell cal where I am going and then get in the car and pick Q up.

We enter the hospital, Q fast asleep in my arms, and make our way to resus. We walk in and Ethan is still sleeping and cal is next to him, holding his good hand. His other hand is patched up.

"Ethan, please I need you, you're all I have, you're my safety net. I love you!" I hear Cal say to him.

"I love you too Caleb Knight." We hear Ethan say.

We look over at him and he notices Q asleep in my arms. I walk over to him and lay Quentin down next to him, Ethan starts playing with his hair, cal playing​with Ethan's fingers and I'm just looking at the lovely scene. My family is perfect!

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