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"Nibbles? Nibbles? Time to wake up."

I woke up to Cal shaking me. I rub my eyes and put my glasses on.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Time to get ready for work." He says.

"Actually I think I'm going to take the day off." I say.


"Don't feel too ​good," I lie.

He doesn't believe me and says he will get the thermometer, I jump out of bed and rub a hot flannel on my head. I rush back into bed and try to make it look as though I have been there all along.

"Well we have no thermometer, so I guess I'm just gonna have to feel your head." He says. He places a hand on my head and instantly moves it away."ok yep, you deffinatly have a temperature."

He walks out and goes to work. I get out of bed and watch TV.


I enter work and Connie comes rushing over to me, she notices that I'm alone and looks confused.

"Where's Dr Hardy?"She asks.

"Oh Ethan ​isn't feeling well, so I told him to take the day off." I lie, I knew what it was really about. He wasn't ready to talk to Spencer about the baby.

"What's wrong with Ethan?" She asks not believing me.

"Oh um, he was up all night throwing up and this morning he had a really bad temperature." I lie.

"Why was he a yours? Isn't he living with Spencer?"

"He came around for a brothers night, he ate something Dodgy."

She walks off unconvinced and I head to the staff room. I'm greeted by a distressed looking Spencer.

"You ok?" I ask.

"He isn't answering my calls or texts!" Spencer moans.

"Who Ethan?"

"Yes. Where is he anyway?" She asks.

"He isn't feeling too good." I lie.

"Oh my god is it my fault?"

"No,no he ate some dodgy Chinese round mine last night before going to sleep."

She nods and then walks out, then Alicia walks in smiling. I hug her and kiss her and then go to the bathroom to get changed.


I check the time on my phone, 5:30, Cal should have been home by now.

Caleb where are you??

Aww is little brother missing me?

I'm bored

Sure, anyway I'm about five minutes away.

Ten minutes later he walks through the door, I run and I hug him firmly. He looks suprised, but hugs me back.

"You ok there nibbles?" He asks.

"I thought something bad had happened to you!" I say. We let go of eachother and we walk to the sofa and sit down.


I sit down on the sofa, where as Ethan curls up into a ball and rests his head on my lap. God he is being clingy today, I mean he used to do this alot when we were younger when he was upset but, I thought he'd grown out of it by now!

"Bit clingy today aren't we Ethan?" I ask and he shrugs." Ethan, what's wrong?

"I'm not ready to be a dad!" He whines, I sigh and put an arm around him, that's when I notice that he is crying again, I take his glasses off and place them on the coffee table.

That's when I get a text from Spencer.

I'm outside your door.

Spare key under mat.


I get the key and walk in, I see Cal and Ethan on the sofa, Ethan is curled up in a ball and his head is resting on Cal's lap. you
I walk over and sit down next to Ethan. He looks over​in my direction, blushes and looks back at the TV.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone." Cal says, making Ethan sit up.

"Caleb please stay!" Says Ethan quietly.

"No Ethan, I have to do something." Says Cal walking away to his room. I hear Ethan sigh angrily.

We sit there in an awkward silence, Ethan keeps looking in my direction and then looking away.

"Cal told me what you said last night!" I say finally breaking the deafening silence we had created. He grunts in response." Look I bet you didn't have a good role model-"

"Well you got that right." Says Ethan sarcastically​.

"Meaning?" I ask.

"Meaning that my dad left me, my mum and my brother when I was 5, so I have basically been raised by Cal." He says angrily.

"I'm sorry." I say looking at him.

"Don't be," he says looking at me.

We stay stuck in the trance we had created, until he stood up and walked into his room. I followed him and saw he had spare pyjamas in his hands, which he passed to me.

After I was changed, we lay on his bed. He had his hand on my stomach, which made me smile. I start​ to play with his hair.

"Hi little baby boy or girl. I don't mind what gender you are, although I hope you are a girl!" He says to my stomach tiredly.

"Nibbles, you're so sweet." I laugh, he sighs.

"I hope that you don't call me that stupid nickname! Anyway I am your dad!" He says, then I internally sigh, remembering that this may not be his baby. "Got to go now as I am getting tired! Bye"

I laugh as he kisses my stomach, I continue to play with his hair, until I hear him snore gently, signalling to me that he is asleep. I hear a knock at the door and in walks Cal he smiles at seeing the two of us happy again.

"Poor kiddo, the other day has really tired him out!" Says Cal sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking Ethan's hair.

"I called him nibbles!" I laugh, I see Cal giggle. "You know that this baby is most likely to be yours, right?"

"That would break the poor boys heart." He sighs and we both look down at Ethan who is sleeping peacefully.

"I really do hope that it's his." I say.

"Yeah me too." He sighs again, still stroking his brothers hair.

"You will be an excellent uncle!" I laugh, making Cal laugh.

"Well good night, little brother." Says Cal  standing up and kissing Ethan on the head. " Good night Spencer."

"Good night Caleb," I say as Cal walks out of the room." Good night nibbles."

I kiss Ethan's head and then fall asleep.

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