Fear of the dark

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Fear of the dark
I was on my way to check on Q with Ethan when Connie comes up to me.

"Dr Evans," she says," you and Dr Hardy have to go underground, some one has fallen into a hole ok?"

I look at Ethan and see he's nodding and so I nod aswell. I see Ethan look at me and I look at him petrified. We walk to get our gear on and when we enter Q is asleep on the sofa in the staffroom. We then make our way to Iain and Jez.

"Ready you two lovebirds?" Asks Jez. They both enter the ambulance. Ethan notices how scared I am and he takes my hand.

"You can do this Spencer," he says reassuringly. I nod and he kisses my cheek before entering the ambulance. I enter thirty seconds after him and we take off.

Just as we are about to leave the cave the rocks start falling, by now it's only me and Ethan down there. I run to him and throw my arms around his neck. He puts his arms around my waist, I close my eyes and bury my head into the side of his neck.

"Hey Spencer you're gonna be alright," he says.

"I'm scared Ethan," I say into his neck.

He sits me down on the floor and I lean into his chest, then he stands up, he tells me to control my breathing, before I have a full blown panic attack! He walks around and then a rock falls on to my arm.

"Ow!" I say in pain, Ethan runs over and moves the rock off my arm.

"Ok, that looks fractured." He says, I start to cry and he hugs me." IAIN,JEZ, HURRY!"

We get pulled up to the top, I was clinging onto Ethan for dear life. Ethan had his arms tight around me, he doesn't take them away untill we get back to the hospital. He lets go of me and takes my hand, the good one not the bad one, into his and we walk into the E.D. Jez and Iain take the paitent to resus and Ethan assess' my hand.

"Ok yep, sprained." He says, I kind of sigh and he gives me a sling to put my arm in" keep that on for a week."

I stand up and kiss him, then we go to check on Q. Q gets concerned by my arm so Ethan explains what happens whilst I get changed back into my scrubs and put my jacket on, that smells like Ethan. Ethan does the same thing and then we walk outside. We sit down on a bench, his arm around my shoulders and me leaning into his chest.

"So what are you afraid of?" He asks.

"The dark and I have claustrophobia." I explain.

"Oh." He says kissing my head, then Cal walks over.

"Hey guys, heard you got scared Spence, bet it was good to have your wuss of a boyfriend with you." He laughs, teasing Ethan and annoying me.

"Shut up Cal, Ethan was amazing, he tried so hard to stop me from panicking and it worked so why don't you find a mirror to look in, seeing as you love yourself so much!" I snap, Cal looks at me shocked and then his shock turns to anger.

"What did you just say?" He asks angrily. Then Ethan stands up. Even though he is shorter than cal, he still tries to be better.

"You heard her Cal, why don't you find a mirror and when you do I bet you will kiss it, because no one likes you, other than yourself!" Ethan says without thinking. I can see that cal is about to start a fight so I jump in between them.

"Cal, walk away and leave us alone, Ethan sit down and calm down." I say, Cal storms away, with his fists clenched and Ethan sits back down.

I sit down next to him and we carry on talking, soon we have to go back inside and deal with paitents, even with my sprained wrist!

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