your son?

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Your son?
"What do you mean, you didn't know what else to do? What has happened to him Lewis?!" I asked, storming over to where Lewis was holding Q. A few moments later Cal and Ethan were helping me get him into resus and onto the bed.

"Ok what's his name?" Ethan asked Lewis.

"Quentin." I replied, Ethan and Cal both looked at me oddly.

"How do you know?" Asked Cal concerned.

"He's my son." I reply.

Ethan and Cal glance at eachother and then continue to find out what's wrong with Quentin. Quentin suddenly wakes up really confused,making him cry loudly, then he sees me and he gets quieter.

"Hello Quentin, I'm doctor Hardy, I'm going to help make you feel better ok?" Ethan says reassuringly.

They do all sorts of tests on him, soon Charlie and Jacob are into help as well. I walk outside needing some air, I'm shortly followed by Ethan. I sat on the bench and stared at the blank grey wall, Ethan sitting down next to me.

"You ok?" He asks softly.

"Yeah." I say sort of lying.

Ethan puts an arm around me and I sort of lean into his shoulder. It's actually quite comfortable.

"He's dehydrated." Ethan says looking down at me.

"Really?" I ask looking up into his hazel eyes.

"Y...yeah," he says smiling.

"I should never leave him with that jerk, he will end up killing him!" I snapped, looking away from Ethan and snapping out of the trance we had created.

"Hey don't think like that." He says." Look at me," I look back into his eyes, for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me, he did, but gently and friendly on the head.

"Thank you Ethan," I say standing back up and breaking the trance again.

"No problem," he says hugging me. We walk back into the E.D, Ethan placing a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. When I walk into resus, cal is giving CPR to Q.

I fall into floods of tears, Ethan supports me up by hugging me tightly. He was stroking my hair to calm me down.

"Come on Cal." I heard Ethan say, although it was a bit muffled considering I was crying into his E.D jacket.

"Back in synus rhythm." Cal sighed.

"It's ok, he's alive," I heard Ethan whisper into my ear.

He lets go of me and I run over to Cal and hug him, saying thank you as I did. Then Ethan called security for me, saying to remove Lewis from the building. Cal let's go of me and I walk over to Q lying there motionless. Good thing we packed an overnight bag. With Cal's permission, I change Q into his  super man onesie.

"Wards are ready." Max says. I nod and walk with him, Ethan and Cal following behind, to the wards upstairs.

"I will leave you to it, if he wakes up, call me in, I will just be outside." Explains Ethan.

"Thank you Ethan." I say just as he is about to leave the room, he smiles and walks out.

I look at Q, he has a cannula in his nose, supporting his breathing. It's a horrible sight. I quickly have an idea. Why don't I sing to him, he likes panic! At the disco,I think.

"Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us, all my friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious.double bubble disco queen, headed to the guillotine, skin as follows steve mcqueen let me be your killer king, it hurts until it stops we will love until it's not,I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights..."

I sit down and suddenly hear Spencer singing, it's amazing. She is really good at singing,I'm actually quite jealous, because I sound like a cat being murdered.

" touch is black and poisonous and nothing like my punch, drunk, kiss I know you need it, do you feel it, drink the water drink the wine..." She sings, I sit back and listen gentley.

"...oh we gotta turn up the crazy, living like a washed up celebrity, shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July. Untill we feel alright, I'm like a scarf trick it's all up the sleeve, I taste like magic, ways that swallow quick and deep, throw the gate, catch the shark, bleed the water red, fifty words for murder..." I sing and I see Quentin wake up.

Suddenly I start to hear two voices singing, one is of a little boy.

"...and I'm everyone of them..." Sings Q cutely.

"Q, are you ok?" I ask him as he starts to fully wake up.

"Tiered​,where is Ben?" He asked referring to his favourite teddy, a little panda called Ben. I pass Ben to him and he cuddles it closely to his chest, I then pass him his blanket, which he also cuddles to his chest.

"ETHAN!" I yell. Ethan quickly walks in and stands by the bed.

"Hey Quentin, I'm Dr Hardy, do you remember me?" He asks. Q nods his head.

"Are you single?" Asks Q. Me and Ethan look at eachother shocked, Q was two, not stupid, he could tell when I fancied someone.

"Yes." Ethan laughs. Q's face lights up happily. Me and Ethan look at eachother again, laughing. Ethan turns away for a few minutes to assess the cannula in Q's nose. My eyes were fixed on him and I was smiling goofily.

"Mummy, stop staring at him, he's not in the museum!" Exclaims Q laughing.

Ethan turns around and we both blush at eachother, Ethan coughs awkwardly and goes back to assessing the cannula, although I know he was just trying to avoid speaking.

"Shh Q, that's enough," I say feeling uncomfortable and knowing that Ethan was starting to feel awkward.

"Sorry." Q says with a smile.

"R...right the cannula looks in place, he's stable." Says Ethan finally turning around, making eye contact with me, we stare at eachother again, in the trance. We break contact when Q coughs." Umm, either me or Cal will be up tomorrow morning to check on him, there's an extra bed over there for you s...Spencer."

"Thank you Ethan." I say, he smiles and walks out.

"You like him!" Q says laughing.

I nod silently and Q claps. He leans back tiredly.

"I will be back up in a minute, I just need to get changed ok? No messing about!" I warn and walk out off the room.

I bump into Cal who smiles at me.

"Still on for that drink?" He asks.

"No sorry Caleb, my son's upstairs, maybe next time." I say smiling, his face falls and he nods silently walking off.

I felt really bad, but I had to get changed.

I lay on the other bed looking at Q asleep, he seemed to really like Ethan and I agreed. He was so helpful and kind.
I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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