felling more

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I looked around curiously and she was right... he wasn't here. "Hey Harvey I think I'd better check up on him. You okay without me?" I asked. He nodded and gave me a hug before I started my walk to his house. I arrived feeling nervous. I knocked on the door but didn't get a response. I looked down at my watch and realized it was 3:30pm. Sara and Paul should be at Minnie mes with Tilly and Leo. I decided to take my chances and open the door. I walked in, it was eerily quiet. "Max" I called out. No response. I walked around looking for him, finally I opened his bedroom door. With it being fall, it began to get dark outside so his room was super dark. I saw his silhouette on the bed. "Max" I asked. He sniffled but didn't move. I closed the door and walked to the bed, sitting next to him. His hair was sprawled in different directions, I could tell he was wearing sweatpants and no shirt. I lifted my hand to run it through his hair. As I did that, I spoke. "Don't be upset with me" I begged.

"Time caught up to us and I knew sometime you'd find someone else... someone better. I did what I thought was right" I sniffled.

"All I wanted was you- only you. Kelsey needed help on her project for science" he said.

"Max, I just don't know anymore. Everything so different now. When we met I was head over heels for you. I knew I wanted to be with you. But how long did you honestly think that would last?" I asked a little bluntly.

"I thought it would be longer... I thought you loved me" he replied.

"I do max... I do" I forced out.

"Prove it to me. Because right now I'm not really hooked" he said. I did what he wished, I leaned down and our lips met. In a wad of confusion, I pulled away.

"I-I don't-" I stopped.

"It's okay. I understand. Go find someone you love, and someone who loves you as much as I do. But hell, don't go for Harvey" he begged.

"I love you" I said getting up and walking to the door. as I opened the door he replied "I love you too" he said.
I sadly walked back to the youth center and found Harvey. "He's upset. It's over for good" I cried. "If that's what you truly want" he replied. But that's the thing, I don't know if that's what I want. It doesn't feel right. I sighed and waited for youth to end.
"I have to go" I said, my headache pounding. Lucy's party was out of control. I zipped up Harvey's black jacket that rested perfectly around my upper half. "Buzz. Lol only kidding bye boo" she laughed. She hadn't been drinking but I don't think she was in the right mindset. "How old are you Lucy?" I asked before going. "19 of course. I'm not drunk" she giggled. I laughed and turned away, beginning my trek home. About half way there I heard walking behind me. I didn't want to look back. "Lanni!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned around and saw my bestie... "damn Harvey you scared me" I gasped. "I'm sorry" he smiled. "How was the party? I was just coming to get you" he said. "Oh it was... noisy" I laughed. "But I was ready to go home" I added. He nodded and pulled me closer. I can't wait to get back to my new apartment and go to bed. "I have news" he said, nudging my side a bit. "And what's that?" I asked. "Well uh, I may have invited Max over for dinner tomorrow" he hesitantly said. I sighed and kept walking.
10 minutes til Max arrives... 5... ding. I heard the doorbell. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. "Hi" I greeted. "Oh, hi" he replied. I stepped to the side so he could come in.

"So do you have a boyfriend" max asked as we settled down for an after dinner movie. "Uh no not currently. Are you involved in a relationship?" I asked. "No" he replied. I nodded and turned on doctor who.. my favorite show. "Kalani can I speak to you... alone?" Max asked. I nodded and we walked to my room. He shut the door and took my hand in his. "Look, I know this our first time seeing each other in years but I never stopped thinking about you" he admitted. "Max, I-" I stopped. "I love you" I finally said. Our lips met and I knew we'd be together from then on.

Max And HarveyWhere stories live. Discover now