Words Hurt

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"Look, Sirius, you've got a letter." Remus handed an envelope to the other boy. Sirius tore it open, but hesitated before unfolding it. What would it say?

"Come on, Black, you have to read it at some point," James said, reading his own letter.

As Sirius read his letter, his face became unreadable. The time tables were handed out, and upon receiving his, left early for their first class.

"Hey, Sirius, wait up!" James ran after him. "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah mate, I'm good. Just the usual crap from my mom. She seems to think I'm horrible for being in Gryffindor, like it's the end of the world or something." Sirius never let the mask fall as he spoke.

"Oh, ok, as long as you're alright." And the two sat down to begin lessons, with Remus beside them and the Peter kid behind them.

Ok? Remus passed a piece of parchment to Sirius.

Fit as a fiddle was written back.



Remus seemed to let it drop, not getting any real answers from the other boy. The rest of the day continued, with Sirius not uttering another word. If teachers called on him, he didn't utter a word. If his new friends tried to talk to him, he'd just smile weakly. But there was nothing anyone could do, it seemed. At dinner, Sirius seemed to follow the conversation, but beside making sure he sat between James and Remus, he didn't seem interested in actually communicating.

You sure, you're ok? Remus passed another parchment.

Fine. Just a stupid letter from home. It doesn't matter

Let me see it

See what?

The letter


Just hand it to me.

"You got him to talk?" James surprised both of his friends, who'd sort of forgotten he was there. Remus took the letter from Sirius before he knew it happened.

"Don't worry about it, James. Just giving him some class notes. Now, I need to use the restroom. I'll see you guys back at the dorms." And with that, Remus was gone. After Remus left, Sirius made his way up to his room, and immediately crawled into bed, drawing the curtains around his bed. He sat there in silence for quite some time, how long, he wasn't sure. Once he heard all the other boys fall asleep, he let the tears he had been holding back all day fall. Without meaning to, he let out a small sob. Sirius didn't move though, as he heard someone pull back his curtain, and felt the bed depress.

"Are you crying because of the letter?" Sirius recognized the voice as Remus'. All he managed was a weak nod. "Well, you shouldn't pay it any mind. I have an idea. Come on." Remus pulled Sirius out of bed by his hand and led him downstairs to the common room. "Here." Remus handed Sirius the letter back.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Sirius' voice came out as a croak.

"Burn it. Burn all the mean things she said. It'll make you feel better." And so Sirius threw the letter into the fire and began sobbing in earnest. Remus led him to the couch, holding him as he cried, like his mom did for him. Both boys fell asleep like that, and curled up on the sofa was how James found them the next morning.

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