Removal From The Tapestry

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I once again find myself writing a trigger warning. This one is quite a bit more severe than the last one. This chapter deals with a suicide attempt, and I apologise for anyone negatively affected by this chapter. This is a heavy topic, and I recommend anyone having thoughts of self-injurious behaviour or suicide, please call their local Crisis Hotline or Suicide Prevention Hotline. If you are an immediate threat to yourself, your countries' emergency number is always an option (such as 999 or 911). The Emergency Department of your local hospital will also be able to help you. Please reach out, there are resources there for you


Sirius was the first to wake up. He was surprised to feel someone behind him, but after turning his head and seeing the mop of black hair, he knew James must have crawled in bed after he fell asleep. Remus was lying on his other side, his face inches away, looking peaceful. He felt content until the events of the previous day came crashing down. As his chest hiccuped, the other two boys stirred.

"Sirius, it's ok, you're safe now," James comforted his best as Remus pulled the crying boy in for a hug.

"I'm ok," he declared as he wiped his face. "Let's go find breakfast." And with that, the three boys walked to the kitchen, stomachs rumbling.

"Hello, boys. Sleep well?" They were greeted by Euphemia.

"Um, yeah, actually." Sirius sounded surprised, but Remus just smiled at his boyfriend.

"So, Sirius, I wrote your mother this morning and informed her that you know lived here and that we wouldn't allow you to live in those circumstances. I expect there will probably be mail today." Euphemia looked almost apologetic.

"Oh, Padds, I also wrote Reg last night. He sent me a shrunken box with the rest of your clothes and such. As much as he could pack before your mother noticed," James cut in.

"Thank you, all of you for everything," Sirius mumbled, blushing slightly. Everyone had just finished eating when an owl flew through the open kitchen window, a letter attached to the foot.

All Remus could do was watch in apprehension as Sirius opened the envelope. There wasn't a letter in it at all but a piece of tapestry. Sirius' face went blank as his eyes turned glassy.

"Hey, love, are you ok?" Remus stepped forward towards his boyfriend. 

"I'm perfect," Sirius deadpanned as he moved around Remus' attempts to touch him and locked himself in James' bedroom.

"Oh, dear," came the response from the Potter matron as her son picked up the tapestry scrap that Sirius had dropped.

"What is it?" Remus was unsure of what just happened.

"Well, some of the older, prouder families keep a family tree tapestry with every family member documented. It appears the Black is among them. When someone is removed from the tapestry, it means the removed family member is disowned from the family. It would seem Walburga saw fit to disown her 16-year-old. Poor boy isn't even of age," Fleamont explained.

"So, does that mean he technically doesn't have a family anymore?" Remus was wide-eyed.

"Technically," was all James said. Remus sprinted to where he knew Sirius was, suddenly worried that Sirius would do something destructive. 

Remus managed to unlock the door to find Sirius collapsed on the floor. He froze as he heard screams, and then footsteps running down the hall to the room he was in. 

"Sirius! No, Sirius, I need you! Sirius, wake up!" Remus didn't realise he was yelling. The tall boy dropped to his hands and knees, James catching him on his way down. 

"James, take him back to the kitchen, have your mum come in here. She will know how to clean this up. Tell her I apparated him to St. Mungo's" Fleamont was quick on his feet.

"Yes, sir," James responded. The elder Potter disappeared with a crack, carrying a limp Sirius. James stood Remus up and guided the shocked teen to the kitchen. 

"Mum, dad had to apparate Sirius to St. Mungo's. He needs you to look in my room." Euphemia knew from the look of Remus and the tone of James' voice that whatever happened had been severe.

"Remus, mate, have a seat." Remus followed the directions, looking at the crimson on his hands, from where his hands had hit the floor when he fell. James attempted to use a wet rag to clean his friend's hands, but the boy refused to be touched, and so James gave in. He turned to make himself tea and his friend hot chocolate, his mother reappearing.

"James, hun, why hasn't Remus had his hands cleaned?" Euphemia looked at the shocked boy in concern.

"He won't let me touch him, he just keeps staring at them. When I go near, he growls at me. I don't know what to do, mum." The last word cracked, and James began to lose his composure. 

"Well, come along. We are going to floo to St. Mungo's. Your father called me while I was upstairs." The boys followed Euphemia to the large fireplace. James pulled Remus in with him as he flooed to the wizarding hospital. 

As soon as they stepped out of the fireplace, Remus took off to the fourth floor, James trailing behind him. 

"Sirius, love, I'm so sorry." Remus collapsed as he stopped beside the sleeping boy's room. Fleamont and James lifted the teen off the floor and into a chair beside the bed. Sirius didn't wake up that day. Euphemia took her son home, and Fleamont stayed with Remus, who was refusing to leave until his boyfriend woke up. He had sent an owl to his parents telling them that he was ok, but he wasn't going home until Sirius was, too. It was past midnight by the time Remus fell asleep, head resting next to Sirius' bandaged arm, his hands still stained red. 

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