A Personal Apocalypse

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It had been 1 year and 3 months since the youngest Potter was born. And boy, was he loved. But Sirius and Remus hadn't seen him in months. The Potters had gone into hiding. Peter and Dumbledore were the only ones who knew where, as Peter had been made Secret Keeper, since the other two were already godfathers, to ensure things were taken care of. It was known that the Potters were being hunted.

"Sirius!" Remus was chasing after a hysterically angry Sirius Black. "Sirius, wait!"

"No, Remus! He's lying! Look, I'm going over there and proving him wrong! He's fucking lying!" Sirius sounded more like he was trying to convince himself instead of Remus. Sirius jumped on his motorbike and sped away, leaving a swearing Remus standing alone on the street in the middle of the night.

"Damn it, Sirius!" Remus screamed before flooing to a wizard pub not too far from the Potter residence. Remus sprint out of the pub, getting some curious looks from the patrons. He ran down the street, trying to get to his destination as soon as possible, worried what would happen if he wasn't there. He stopped in front of a destroyed house that had a familiar bike in front.

"Sirius! Sirius, where are you?" Remus was frantic, searching the cottage. He passed the body of a dark haired man, glasses askew, eyes blank. Remus continued up the stairs, taking them three at a time. He glanced at the red-headed woman sprawled by a child's crib. In the corner, a mop of long black hair covered the face of a baby, while the shoulders attached shook.


"They're dead," the man croaked. It was like saying it out loud made it real, and sobs escaped, urging Remus to take the infant, holding him for the first time.

"Dumbledore asked me to bring 'im Harry," Hagrid entered the room. Sirius jumped to his feet faster than seemed possible, placing himself between Remus holding Harry, and Hagrid's outstretched arms.

"Over my dead body," Sirius shouted, wand pointed at the half giant.

"All due respect to Dumbledore, we are keeping Harry. We were named his guardians in case of this very thing. We are honoring James and Lily's wishes," Remus spoke up. He grabbed Sirius by the arm and apparated them home. He put Harry down in the crib they already had for when Harry visited. After the toddler was asleep, he went to check on Sirius, who was sobbing uncontrollably in the living room, curled into himself on the floor. Remus sat beside him, and pulled him into an embrace. Nothing was said as both men cried. They fell asleep on the floor, still in each other's arms. Things weren't ok, but they were going to figure it out. They had to, because the men who decided that they'd never have kids were fathers now, and the sleeping infant would need them.

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