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"We did it, Moony. We graduated." Sirius was bouncing in his seat.

"Careful, Padfoot, or you'll tip the boat. It's amazing they let you or James even graduate, as many detentions as you've accumulated," Remus chuckled.

"Hey, you had your fair share of detentions with us," Sirius pointed out.

"Sure, but Peter and I combined don't have nearly as many as just you, Sirius." Sirius gave Remus an indignant look, before laughing and admitting it was the truth.

The boys laughed and enjoyed the glee accompanying the fact that they had done it, they had graduated. The train ride back to London was filled with laughter, candy, and affection, Sirius never left Remus' lap, Lily had joined them, and all of them wore genuine smiles.

"So, Remus, where are you headed for the summer?" Sirius seemed nervous about something.

"Probably just stay at my parents', why?" Sirius' nervousness was making Remus suspicious.

"Um, well, my uncle left me some money when he passed away, and I found myself a flat, and it's not very much, but I thought it'd be nice if you wanted to stay with me?" Sirius spoke quite slowly as if to delay having to finish his question.

"Are you asking me to move in?" Remus narrowed his eyes at Sirius.

"I suppose I am," Sirius mumbled.

"Goodness, Remus, stop giving him such a hard time, and just say yes," James all but yelled.

Remus chuckled, telling his boyfriend that indeed, yes, he'd love to move in. Sirius, grabbing the taller boy's hand, apparated them directly to the new flat.

Upon arriving at the flat, Remus noticed there was dinner already prepared and set up.

"I asked Mrs Potter to make a special dinner so I could treat you. I wanted to start off our first day as adults together properly." Sirius dragged Remus to the table.

"This is perfect, Padfoot. Thank you so much, love."

After dinner, they sat together on the couch, a bottle of firewhisky shared between the two. As the two became more inebriated, the arm brushes and touching thighs turned into Remus sitting on Sirius' lap. Remus was laughing, a wide and careless smile on his face, Sirius realised how in love he was with that smile, with the man behind the smile and took the opportunity to express this love in a sloppy but passionate kiss. Remus wasted no time in deepening their kiss. 

Soon, his teeth trapped Sirius' bottom lip, earning him a moan and renewal of effort. Remus adjusted himself, so Sirius was laying under him. The dark haired man fumbled to get his boyfriend's off, but it wasn't long before both were topless, chest to chest, sloppily and urgently exploring each other's mouths, excitement straining against both trousers. As the lust and need increased, the amount of clothing they were decreased. Neither knew how they got there, but the evening ended with Remus swallowing Sirius before they both fell asleep on the couch naked. It wasn't a bad first night in their new home.

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