Nightmares Asleep and Awake

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By Halloween, Sirius seemed to be doing better. Remus, James, and even Peter did everything they could to be there for him.

"Hey, love, you ready? The feast is starting, and I know how you love the treats." Remus reached out to take his boyfriend's hand. Sirius just smiled as he followed Remus down to the Great Hall.

The feast went well, Sirius laughing and joking with the rest of the boys. After the evening ended, The four retired.

Remus was awakened by screams coming from the bed beside his. Remus crawled out of his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Remus," Sirius woke up crying as Remus crawled into his bed.

"It's ok, I've got you now, and I'm never leaving," Remus stroked the boy's hair. 

"It was that day again. The day I left home, I keep seeing it at night." More tears fell.

"I know, Sirius, I know." Remus pulled Sirius close to his chest, comforting him.


"Remus," Sirrius shook his bedmate.

"Mmmm," Remus mumbled.

"I can't sleep." This caused Remus to force himself to be more alert.

"What do you need?" Remus adjusted to a more comfortable position.

"Can we just talk? About anything other than my parents? Can we just talk about stuff?" The dark haired boy looked desperate, almost broken. So Remus sat there and he began speaking about random facts he knew from his books as a kid, and as the night progressed, the conversation got deeper.

"What do you want to do after next year?" Sirius realised they had never really discussed plans for the future.

"Well, I'm not sure. I mean, not very many people like hiring...people like me, so I'll probably just take what I can get," Remus sighed.

"What do you mean?" Sirius looked confused.

"Well, it's very hard to get a job when someone has my condition. A lot of wizards don't want to hire us because we are still seen as monsters and as too dangerous to have around. It's a very prejudiced world and a difficult job search."

"That's bullshit!" Sirius was outraged. "There is no reason you shouldn't be able to get any job you want. You are smart, talented, and a great guy. The only danger you are is getting James and me extra detention. I'll talk to any slime-faced shithead who thinks you wouldn't make a good employee, give them some of the Black charm. I may hate my parents, but that doesn't mean I didn't pick up a few things."

"Whoa, boy," Remus chuckled. "It's ok. I will find something. I'll be ok. Besides, I'll have you and James and Peter. That's what will really matter. As long as we have each other, we can work the rest of it out."

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