Wedding Bells and Ill Tidings

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Four men, all in tuxes, gathered in a bedroom, three of them tidying up the fourth.

"You ready, Prongs?" Sirius smiled at his best friend.

"No! What if she changed her mind and I'm left there at the alter? Oh god, I'd look like a blithering idiot, standing there all heartbroken while she runs off." James began to hyperventilate.

"James, Lily is madly in love with ou, so please breath. I do not want to explain to her why Sirius and I are supporting your unconscious form at the alter." Remus put a comforting hand on the groom's back.


"Lily, I loved you forever, even when you thought I was a prat. Well, everyone thought I was a prat because I was-"

"He was-" Sirius interrupted, earning a glare from Lily.

"But eventually, I won your heart. And when you agreed to go out with me in seventh year, I didn't shut up about it for weeks."

"Mate, you never shut up about it. All you talked about was Lily for like 8 years," Remus interjected.

"I thought that was the happiest moment of my life, but then I proposed and I thought that was the happiest day of my life. I was wrong. This. It can't get too much better than this, at least until we have kids. Lily Evans, the best part of my life is you becoming Lily Potter. I love you, Lily, and I'll love you forever, no matter what happens, good or bad." James had tears of happiness in his eyes as he finished his vows. So did all three of the groomsmen, not that they'd admit it.

The wedding went by with many tears and laughter and much smiling. The reception went well, and Sirius was dancing with his fiancé, a careless and happy grin on his face. Much to everyone's surprise, an owl arrived, landing on Sirius' dress robes. The smile fell off Sirius' face as he read the letter, and before anyone could ask what it contained, Sirius ran off, barreling through people in a desperate attempt to reach the doors. Remus exchanged looks with James and Lily before tearing after Sirius.

"Sirius, what is it?" Remus didn't bother masking the worry dripping from his words.

"He's dead, Moony. My only brother. I know he was on the other side, but he was still my baby brother, and the least shitty person in my family. And he's gone. The worst part? He probably died thinking I hated him. We had words a few months ago, and it got heated and I never got to apologize. Remus, what is going to happen now?" Sirius looked up at Remus with pleading eyes.

"He knew you loved him, Sirius." Remus pulled Sirius into a hug and Sirius broke down sobbing. The death of his brother was so much more than losing family. It made the war seem more real. It brought the terrors of the world in front of Sirius' face. A new sense of terror was instilled in Sirius, and Remus' worry for his love was renewed.

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