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"I don't want to go home," Sirius whispered. The boys were on the train, almost in London by then. The 5th year ended without any more excitement, though the tension between Sirius and Peter was palpable. 

"I know, love, I know, but everything will be ok," Remus reassured. James and Peter had fallen asleep, so Remus and Sirius had some time for themselves.

"No, it won't. I have a terrible feeling." Sirius sounded desperate.

"You always have a terrible feeling about going back home. It will be ok, and if it isn't, then go to the Potter's. And you can always owl me." Remus felt like he was repeating himself, but he understood things weren't great for his boyfriend.

As the boys disembarked the train, Sirius kissed Remus on the cheek before joining his parents and brother. 

"What was that?" Walburga looked stone but Sirius knew better. The vein throbbing in her neck betrayed her emotions. Mostly anger, Sirius figured.

"Walburga, not here," Orion hissed. The rest of the way out of the train station was silent. Once at home, Walburga seemed to decide that instead of discussing it, she'd rather lock her eldest son in his room. After a month of isolation, Walburga called her son downstairs.

"Care to explain why I find out kissing this boy? Who is he?" There was nothing kind in her voice. 

"His name is Remus Lupin, and he so happens to be my boyfriend." Sirius stood up straight, challenging his mother, staring her dead in the eye, refusing to lower his head or look away. 

"YOU DARE BEFOUL OUR NOBLE NAME BY NOT ONLY HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WHERE YOU CANNOT PRODUCE A BLACK HEIR, BUT WITH A NASTY HALF BLOOD ON TOP OF IT?!" Walburga, who seemed to have heard of the Lupin's, Remus' dad working for the ministry, lunged at her son, smacking him across the face.

"Don't touch me, you horrid bitch," Sirius' voice came out in a low growl, his face going from proud to menacing and dark.


"I don't care about being a Black. The lot of you are disgusting. I hate being your son. You are a bigger disappointment as parents then I could ever be as a son!" Sirius was becoming red in the face with anger. 

"YOU- WHY YOU- DON'T-' The matron sputtered, too angry to articulate proper sentences. "CRUCIO!" Torturous screams echoed through the townhouse as the teen writhed in unimaginable pain. 

Once the spell ended, Sirius ran upstairs, locking himself in his room, frantically packing a rucksack. once ha had packed some essentials and prized possessions, he climbed out of the window, ignoring the way every nerve in his body seemed to ache. He sprinted away from number 12 Grimmauld Place, holding back tears, determined to get as far away from his mother as possible. He reached a park where he sat heavily on a swing. 

It was after dark when Sirius' reverie was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump and shriek in fear.

"Sirius, it's me," came the voice of James Potter. "Regulus owled me after he saw you sneak out of the window. He said something bad happened and you had disappeared."

"I can't go back, I won't go back, ever. I'd rather die!" Sirius started yelling.

"Hey, it's fine. I won't make you go back. My parents, having seen me receive your brother owl, already agreed you could stay with us. Let's go home." James looked sympathetically at his friend as they made their way back to James' father a block away. The senior Potter side-alonged both teens to the Potter residence.

"Oh my God, Sirius, are you ok?" A worried Remus embraced his boyfriend quite fiercely.

"That hurts, Moony," Sirius flatly said. "Why are you at the Potter's?"

"Mrs Potter called my dad after James left to find you. I guess James had told his parents about us. She figured you would want to see me." Remus scrutinised Sirius' appearance. "Why is there a handprint on your face?" At that, Sirius finally broke down, crying harder than he ever had in his life. The weight of all the terrible things he had been told by his parents, the glares, the letters, the howlers, the grabs, the isolation, the smack, and that final curse, it all slammed down on Sirius, and he crumbled. Remus sat there on the hallway floor, holding Sirius like he'd never let go, hiding his own tear. He knew something extraordinarily terrible had occurred, but he promised himself that he and James would take care of their broken friend, ensuring he'd suffer no longer. A line seemed to be crossed, and they would protect Sirius, guard him from the monsters he lived with.

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