Happy Birthday

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"Come on, Moony, Let's go," the shaggy-haired boy whined.

"Moony?" Remus cocked an eyebrow.

"Well? It works. Now, come on!" Sirius physically dragged a smirking Remus to a little hole in the wall named Hog's Head. "Table for two."

"Sit wherever. It's not like anyone else is here," grunted the old bartender.

"Why are we here?" Remus looked around unsure.

"Well, It's away from the noise of the busier places, and they've got good food." Remus laughed at that, and it positively made Sirius shine with glee. It was the best sight in the world, the best sound when Remus laughed.

They both had eaten large lunches before Sirius dragged Remus to all the shops, buying Remus books and sweater. He even bought his boyfriend a leather braided bracelet with the date they started dating etched on a charm. The last stop was Honeydukes, where Sirius literally bought the entire stock of chocolate bars. Remus couldn't help but smile the entire time. Sirius was overly affectionate, and Remus basked in it. He never could get enough of the little touches, hand holding, kissing that seemed to accompany their date. 

"It's almost midnight, Remus." Sirius had a huge grin on his face. It was beginning to make Remus suspicious. "3...2...1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REMUS JOHN LUPIN!"

"Sh, Sirius, you'll wake McGonnagoll. Then we will both-" Remus was cut off by some quite ferocious kissing on Sirius' part, his eyes widening in surprise. It didn't take long before the shock dissipated and Remus melted into the kisses.

"What in Merlin's name is with the noise? Bloody hell! Mr Black, Mr Lupin, self-control, please! Most teachers don't appreciate walking in on prefects being swallowed whole by another student!" The Head of House had been greeted by the sight of both boys shirtless, Sirius laying over Remus, Remus' hands down the back of his boyfriend's pants. Said pants were partially down, exposing half of Sirius' buttocks and both teens were obviously excited. "And, please, cover up. I don't fancy seeing half-naked students." McGonagoll pointedly looked away as the two blushing boys dressed and covered their laps with their discarded sweaters.

"Sorry, Professor. See, it's Remus' birthday, and we may have gotten a little carried away." 

"Understandable, Mr Black, but please keep such moments private. These things are not supposed to be shows. Especially when one is a prefect who should be setting an example for the first years. I may be inclined to overlook this as a birthday gift, but the next time I catch two students in a compromising situation, detention will be given for indecency. Ensure the others in your house are away of this as well. I am a bit tired of finding student carried away." 

"Yes, ma'am," they chorused.

"And happy birthday, Mr Lupin," the elderly woman smiled at her student as she exited. The two boys laughed heartedly before settling in to cuddle in front of the fire. They soon fell asleep, troubles far from the mind and contentment close to the heart.

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