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"So, what animals do you all turn into, then?" Remus had decided to accept what his friends had done, instead of losing the most important people in his life.

"I'm a dog, big and black and shaggy, like my hair," Sirius spoke quietly. His confidence hadn't quite returned after that month without Remus. He was still too quiet, and he refused to leave his boyfriend's side. It was as if he was afraid, that if Remus left the room, he'd never return.

"I'm a stag, got antlers and all." James was beaming with pride.

"I'm a rat. Don't know why." Peter looked unsure, sitting next to Sirius. Peter had said something to Sirius earlier that caused the taller boy to snap. Neither would tell the others what was said, but the tension was still apparent. Remus, Peter, and James continued to talk throughout lunch, Sirius just picking at his food and staring at Remus. Remus squeezed his hand reassuringly every few minutes and made sure to flash the smile his boyfriend loved so much.

The boys were in the dorm later that evening. James and Peter were playing wizard chess as Sirius sat lay against his headboard, reading something about the meaning of animagus form. After another crushing defeat, Peter gave up and moved to where Sirius was, sitting on his bed.

"Get your diseased ass off of my bed," Sirius growled.

"I'm not diseased," Peter said, offended.

"Look up 'Black Plague' in the library, you know, if you can find it," Sirius physically kicked Peter off the bed, the fat boy hitting the floor with a dull thud.

"Why would I look up your family?" Peter definitely looked upset, something unusual for him.

"You pathetic little git," Sirius hit Peter with a stinging hex as he towered menacingly over the other boy, pointing his wand at his thick chest. Peter yelped as he reached for his own wand.

"Peter, don't do anything stupid now," Sirius voiced darkly.

"Padfoot! Back off!" Sirius ignored James.

"Sirius Orian Black, enough," Remus commanded firmly. No one had seen him enter and so they all turned to look at the boy returning from Prefect rounds. "Peter, go downstairs with James, please? I think Sirius here needs some space." 

James looked at Sirius curiously as he pulled his other friend along downstairs. Remus pulled Sirius back onto his bed and held the boy he had now outgrown.

"Care to tell me what that was all about?" Remus looked at Sirius softly.

"He's just some weakling clinging to James like James is a god who can protect him. And I don't trust him. Why would his animagus be a rat? Rats are never seen as good. Look at what I found." Sirius handed the book that he had been reading.

  The rat is the emblem of uncleanliness and impurity. Since the times of the plague in the 14th century, their quiet nature often has connotations of sneakiness.  Also, rat is slang for snitch or informant.

"Sirius, this doesn't mean Peter is untrustworthy," Remus began.

"Even with the new Minister, things aren't getting better, Remus. This year is about to end, and it's been nearly six years, and no one knows what to do to fix this. Can we really afford friends we can't trust?" Sirius turned to look at Remus. 

"What else is going on? This is about more than Peter, isn't it?" Remus was right. Sirius handed him a letter from home, detailing all the reasons Sirius should also support his parents' political views concerning the war.

"I don't want to go back next month. They know I disagree and I'm sure Regulus has already told them about us. If this is how they feel about the war, how do you think they'll react to me dating a Half-Blood and werewolf? I can already tell it'll be terrible." Sirius deflated.

"Well, if things get dreadful, owl me or James and we will see what we can do, alright? I mean James' parents already love you." Remus smiled, hoping to reassure Sirius. 

"Let's go to Hogsmeade this weekend," Sirius changed the subject. It took Remus a second to recover. 

"I thought we would go already. We usually go, unless it's the moon," Remus responded slowly.

"No, just you and me. Like a date. Without Peter and James. Consider it your birthday treat. The moon won't be for another week and a half, and we can stay up till midnight on Saturday that way I can be the first to say happy birthday on Sunday. I want to treat you." Sirius sat up proper, face beaming with excitement. 

"I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me, Sirius." Remus hated others spending a lot on him.

"It's my parent's money, so please, allow me." Sirius sounded quite urgent.

"Fine, a birthday date weekend," Remus sighed.

"This will be your best birthday yet, that's a promise!"

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