A mother, a General and a Princess (1956-2016)

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~Three days after the Starkiller fight~

  General Leia Organa stood plugging numbers into a holo screen, cross referencing the new information an old R2-D2 unit had given them. Apparently it was the very same R2-D2 unit that had accompanied Luke Skywalker on all of his Jedi missions. Imagine, after all the time the Resistance had spent tracking down the missing co-ordinates, the last piece they needed had been sitting in low power mode right under their noses.

Rey couldn't help but admire the General as she watched her work. The woman was incredible. It had been only three days since she lost her husband and General Organa had stood strong knowing what news awaited her as the Millennium Falcon landed. The shuttle hanger was alive with cheering members of the resistance and the refugees they housed. Boisterous voices and laughter filled the air all around her.

And yet, Rey felt wrong as she stepped down the ramp onto the surface of the Resistance's current base on the Outer Rim planet of D'Qar. Though the victory of destroying the Starkiller had been a great one, she didn't feel cause to celebrate. She sullenly made her way to the Princess knowing she would have to tell her the story of her husband's demise.

General Leia Organa, leader of the Resistance forces, princess, mother and now widow, had known before Rey had even opened her mouth. She had known the moment she lost him. From the very second his heart stopped beating, she had known. Her husband, father to her only child, best friend to her hermit brother, and smuggler of her heart, was dead.

She had felt it in the force through the worst possible messenger— her son. The loss of Han had hurt immensely. More then anything she could have ever imagined. At least when her Ben had fallen to the Dark side there was still hope. Hope that she could somehow bring him back. That anyone could some how bring him back. Now she felt shattered inside. She had told Han to go to him. She had pleaded with her eyes for him to bring their son home and now they were both gone.

Deep down she knew who had slain him. She surmised that only one person could have done it. She couldn't bring herself to believe it, but she knew the second she'd felt Ben's grief, that he'd been the one to do it. Leia hadn't sensed him in so long. He kept her so cut off from him that she'd forgotten what her own son felt like in the Force. As suddenly as he came to her he was gone again. Han was a lot of things but foolish wasn't one of them; he knew either he would bring his son home or he would force him to feel his humanity. His father had always taught Ben life lessons the hard way. It was one of the things they fought about most when they were together. This was Han's last lesson. Leia was hurt more the she could say but she would never have the strength to give up on her son.

As painful as this reminder was, as unfortunate as the circumstances were, she was sure now that there was light in him. Whether it was enough to save him, she didn't know. But she would never give up on her son. He was all she had left of Han and she would honor him by finishing what he started. She would hold onto the hope more desperately then ever. She just had to keep on fighting for him. Even if that led her down the same path as her charming scoundrel.

Leia watched the young girl as she made her way down the ramp of her late husbands most prized vessel. When catching her up on what had happened since their first encounter aboard the Falcon, Han had spoken fondly of the girl named Rey. This spoke volumes about the girl, as her husband was not so easily impressed.

Her eyes warmed as she thought about that blasted ship. She loved it as much as she hated it. The Millennium Falcon was the only thing in the universe that ever made her feel, just a little twang of jealousy. Her husband had always been true to her, but he may as well of had an affair with that bloody thing. He spent all of his time on it, leaving little to no time for her and their family. She had known who he was before they married, but Mustafar if she didn't love him anyway.

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