"I see it... I see the Island."

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Kylo felt Rey's emotional ups and downs all day —and it —was driving —him —mad!

He wanted to know what was going on where ever she was and he waited patiently almost hoping that she'd feed him some kind of distress, some form of anything he could use as an excuse to invade her mind again. He'd been clenching his jaw all day and his head was starting to pound.

Several storm troopers seated directly across from him had been consistently taking turns shifting uncomfortably. The brooding form of kylo Ren sitting hunched over with his elbows on his knees just a few feet from them had been wracking at their nerves most of the afternoon and now it continued into early evening. He kept flexing and crushing his fists together. His shoulders would shift one moment... in others, one or both heels would rock up and down in an anticipatory manner. The only thing stopping his whole leg from bouncing with his eagerness was the weight of his body as he rested on his elbows.

One of the bucket heads cleared his throat and Kylo's masked face shot in his direction. Everything in the room froze and it had nothing to do with the Force. Even hidden under his helmet his stare sent a chill through the air. If Kylo's eyes alone had the power to, an icicle would have pierced clean through the trooper's heart. Kylo shot up from the bench in the hanger of his shuttle. If it hadn't been bolted down, it would have gone flying back with the sudden force behind the movement. The trooper, as well as the three closest to him, recoiled like their superior had suddenly morphed into a serpent complete with venom dripping fangs.

He smirked behind his mask. He couldn't help it, he'd been so wound up that the troopers discomfort had actually offered his wracking nerves some relief. Knowing he wasn't the only one who was suffering on the inside made him feel just a little more at ease. If his skin was crawling from nerves why shouldn't theirs be? Besides, he savored the edge of power he felt from their fear. Once fully standing, he lined his shoulders with his hips and let his hands hang heavily at his sides, his fists clenched in their typical fashion. The Dark side knight, knew how formidable he looked towering over the cowering soldiers below him. It was good for them to remember how dangerous their superior was. He couldn't afford to show any weakness after the FN-2187 incident. It was unheard of that a storm trooper had not only defected, but successfully escaped and evaded the First Order. After months of thought about it, he was glad it had happened. It had led him, to her.

Not a second after he thought it, he felt a pull from her.

Yessss! His darkness hissed at him.

He closed his eyes and focused on the strong emotion that wafted from her to him like a pungent scent on a breeze. It was fear.

Finally an excuse to go to her... He reveled.

It wasn't the first strong emotion he'd felt from her today. She went through a miscellany of emotions in a short span of time, starting maybe an hour after he'd left her, and because of this he'd allowed himself to reach out to her so very slightly. But from the beginning, he hit a wall. Kylo was aware that, Luke was still close by, but he was also certain that it wasn't the, Old Jedi that had been what blocked him from connecting to her. It was as though she were being protected by something even greater then, Skywalker's power.

He was met by a combination of confusion and curiosity, and when she suddenly opened back up he was instantly there, lightly skimming the surface of her thoughts for anything he could use to determine what was going on around her. He had glanced on her thoughts for a mere few seconds and in that time he'd seen nothing but loss. He couldn't find what had caused such emotional turmoil to of left her in the extent of which he found her in. He'd peeked into her mind just enough to grasp the situation. It was a loss that he himself had recognized. Perhaps Luke had discovered her lineage and she had just found out that her parents were dead. He longed to go to her, but he wasn't so stupid as to chance that. If she were experiencing what he thought she was, he'd be the last person she'd want to see right now.

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