The Threat Above, or Below?

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Rey twirled the Skywalker's sapphire, Legacy lightsaber around in her delicate wrists like she'd been training with it for years. kylo knew she was serious about fighting against him even though he'd already proven it would be no challenge for him to over come her.

Maker, if he didn't admire her for trying. He thought, amused at how spirited his little scavenger was.

"Really?" Was all Kylo Ren could think to say, but the sarcasm in that one word rang through clear as a bell. Flashes of sizzling blue sparks spit through the air as she cut through the heavy rain around them. It was her silent way of telling him she was very serious about their inevitable duel.

"Well, if the lady insists, then I suppose I must oblige." He bowed low, bending at the waist as he spoke, politely taunting her with his response before, igniting his own saber of crimson fire.

She scowled, her muddled brain was quickly overthrown by a mixture of both of their emotions. Amusement was the greatest of the emotions which bled through from his end to hers but there were several others in the mix that she found undefinable. It only added to her frustration and looking at his calm posture, she was guessing her anger was currently the more prominent between herself and Ren. She'd bet a weeks worth of rations that he was still more amused with her, then anything else.

Not her though, not after the last time they'd stood on the same earth together, when he'd killed Han, thrown her into a tree, and cut down Finn. Her eyes darkened with the poison of that memory. When she'd roused they'd battled and he'd trapped her at the edge of the crumbling world which they'd fought on.

With out another thought given to the past, Rey charged at him. Their connection only heightened her emotions, and right now she wanted to finish what they'd started months ago. She rushed him, angrily swinging and pushing out with her Force.

Kylo side stepped, ducked, and easily dodged. His own Force shielded him from hers so effortlessly that he didn't even bother using his lightsaber, not even when she swung feverishly at him multiple times. He had physically dodged most of what she'd thrown at him only using his saber to occasionally parry her strikes. His casual stance and almost lazy movements, were humiliating.

He was so smug, she just wanted to tear that tin can off of his head and beat him with it until she couldn't remember what that haunting face looked like underneath. She froze, shocked by the fresh image in her head. She'd never thought something so horrible, so hateful.

He'd seen her thoughts as clear as day and he was relishing in the anger and hate that fumed off of her. It made his blood hot, watching her lash out at him with that sexy fury in her eyes. He was enjoying being the center of her thoughts until he saw her beating his head in with his own helmet. He wanted to chuckle at the fitting end she'd thought up for him. He knew he deserved it, but that same thought made something inside of his chest tighten.

Her legs were spread in an offensive stance and she was panting in her fury just like she'd done the first time she'd tapped into his Force energy, accept this time it was all hers, well the majority of it anyway. Holding the shinning blue saber in both fists, she presented the weapon defensively out in front of her. Her hands were lined with her hips but the plasma still pointed to the sky. She wasn't done with the fight, but she was taking the time regain control of herself. Ren himself had only recently been able to do this and not nearly as well or quickly as she was able to.

"Fight back!" She angrily, belted at him over the storm.

He shrugged. "I didn't come here to fight you." His shoulders went slack, his response flat and his breathing remained calm.

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