The Light, the Dark & the Longing in Between

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  Ren instantly picked up on the change in her demeanor. He regretted leaving her mind after she'd relaxed into him earlier, now he wanted to see what had suddenly caused the anxiety she was sending in waves through her end of their bond, but he could feel how closed off she'd already become. If he delved now, it would feel like an intrusion... a painful one.

"What is it?" He asked calmly taking a half step next to he, and she shook her head, retreating two more steps back.

"It's nothing. I... why are you telling me this?" She asked angrily refusing to look him while she spoke.

He closed the space between them in one long step and grabbed her arm with his free hand leaving the rock to orbit on its own so he could stop her from back peddling any further.

"You're a terrible liar and the action doesn't suit you." He snapped. "Now what's wrong?" It was a question leaning on a demand and though Rey wanted to step up to the challenge she decided to answer him only because she really wanted to know what he'd say in response.

"Your teaching me to manipulate the Force like a Dark sider." She announced mater a factly. His head pulled back slightly and felt like she'd struck him. He was sharing something very personal with her and she was throwing it back in his face like he was doing something wrong.

"I'm not teaching you to manipulate it like anything. I'm just explaining the way I personally view and interact with the Force around me." He didn't mean to sound so offended, it's not like he was ashamed of aligning himself with the Dark side.

"Yes and your a Dark sider, you abuse the Force." She stated pointedly.

Again he recoiled. She seemed so certain of her accusations and it was offensive and very much starting to piss him off.

"So when your Master teaches you to manipulate the Force and shows you how to use the energy towards your current goal in a way that causes you to battle with the natural flow of the Force, that's ok? ...Because... he's a "Light side" user." Ren added air quotes around the words Light side and over exaggerated the word master so it came out more like a slander then a proper title.

"But when my way is different it's evil because I'm a "Dark side" user, even though my methods are based off of the natural flow and cycle of the Force." He repeats his air quotes and reiterates the situation in a way that makes Rey feel childish and she instantly gets defensive.

"Luke is not my Master, and he would have taught me the way you explained it if that was the correct way." She snaps defensively. He caught her verbal admittance of the dismissal of Luke as her master and as much as he wanted to focus on that, he pushed it aside for now.

"So it's not correct because... I'm a Dark sider? You realize I spent my whole life training to be a Jedi before I joined team Sith, right?" His eyes narrowed in challenge and he stepped forward. Rey took a cautious step back, keeping the distance between them where it belonged.

"I thought you weren't a Sith?" She questioned antagonistically.

"I'm not, but I never said I wasn't..." His eyes closed and he shook his head trying to keep his thoughts on topic. "...And that's not the point!" He retorted frustrated by how childish she was being.

"Oh...?" She poked, but he could see the relief on her face with his admittance. For some reason she cared wether or not he was that far into the Dark Side, like it changed anything. He was still a Dark Master, his training was still completed. He could become a Sith if he chose to but that was not his goal. It was to simple minded and primitive to ever be a goal of his. He wanted what was beyond that.

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