Reflections of You

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From within; loud, rushing, overwhelming, powerful. Forcefully pulling, guiding, leading along the rapid current of control and implemented change. Endlessly traveling along a determined path cut by years of erosion. Another new regime hoping to stand apart from the last. Carving and manipulating until the flow of its will had been engrained into the tired clay of those it wished to conquer.

Starting as no more then a mere trickle but growing to a powerful body of ever moving turbulence. Its all consuming nature devours all within its path and forcefully takes those who oppose, wearing down the unwilling to move or meld to accumulate by the masses. Then the small trickle becomes something greater. Something massive, raging and all consuming its power.

From a distance; unified, organized and precise. There were many contributions working to create something so powerful its very existence compels fear. If not handled with respect and acceptance it would violently drown what it washed over, what got caught in it or stood before it would be lost to it. Comply or the ever moving rapids would pull its victims under.

Drown in the tyranny. Be destroyed or be claimed. These were the options to those who fell beneath the crushing wave of the First Order.

A trickling bead left from a disrupted vortex of a fallen empire. The very remnants of his grandfather's time as a Sith. Now a massive raging river with more power then could be contained. Kylo didn't wish to repeat the mistakes of the past but even he couldn't turn a blind eye to the similarities between the path he'd chosen and the one his grandfather had traversed and left behind after his death. The truth was, he was on the same path. Taking the same course just as he knew he would when he chose to leave the his uncle's temple under the manipulative hand of his new master.

If what was left of the old empire was the dried up path that had been cut into the body of the Galaxy they dominated, then the First Order was the rapids that filled it. They took the same route but Kylo would make sure that what comprises the power of the Order was of a different substance then that which filled his ancestors time. This meant working from within. Over time, with determination and hard work, one could change the structure around them until the path of the movement morphed into something new and Kylo was not afraid of getting his hands dirty.

Already he was quickly rising in the Order. Though his title was always one of power he and his knights were more of a weapon within the Order of which they served. He mostly remained separate from the going ons within the structure but since the fall of the StarKiller he'd been given a more active role to play. He was more of the title granted him now then he'd ever been; Commander of the First Order. It was another burden that fell on his shoulders but in the end it would be worth the added weight cast upon him. More then the lives of the men and women under his command were in his hands. The planets under the protection of the regime were comprised of countless more who counted on his Order for protection.

It was strange that the name they feared most in the Galaxy would also be the same to aid them should their contracts or alliances call to the Order for aid and defense. At least when his Master allowed it, which was only when he didn't have an errand to run that required his talents for intimidation or specific interrogation techniques. In time, when Kylo is finally his own Master, he would personally see to it that he and his knights would be utilized as he'd always meant them to be and the First Order would follow suit finally becoming an order which the galaxy could peacefully rely on and sit fearlessly at the foot of. Of course that would also be after he conquered it. He wasn't a fool. He understood that he'd have to finish this war before claiming his place at the top.

His grandfather had conquered in many ways, most of which came through fear and subjugation but Kylo wanted a true unity of the galaxy and all of its inhabiting worlds. He wanted peace under a uniting rule. To accomplish this his hands needed to be in as much of the training and infrastructure as possible. He was a hardened leader who was strict with his rule and expected Order and loyalty in all things. This applied to the running of his city sized craft just as equally as it did his own knights.

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