Training part one: Night of the Knights

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Rey stood wide eyed, staring beyond the already imposing form of Kylo Ren. Just past the thick retracting doors which lead to a space containing a world that seemed separate from anything else that could possibly be ongoing aboard this battle cruiser, were warriors cloaked in multiple layers of gear and an even wider array of mixed weaponry. Their armor was as ebon as his, their presence as engulfing. Their masks, from what she could see through the quick blur of their motions, were all different. Unique, if she had to describe them.

Though this was not the first time Rey had seen his Knights, well, only two of them in person, she still had the instinctual feeling of familiarity but she didn't linger on that. Instead she focused on the alarms going off in her head. Every warning signal in her was urging her to run. Her fight or flight sent the message coursing through her brain faster then striking lightning and yet her feet, against her better judgment, remained steadfast, as though welded in place.

It only took her seconds to process the situation she was in; trouble. Rey knew she was out powered, under armed, unarmed in fact, and out numbered. She recognized these warriors from her first full mind breach with Kylo Ren, the one where they'd nearly destroyed all of Nima Outpost, and she'd witnessed first hand as their master severed a man in half. While she had seen them there she had no real detail to describe them by, the warriors all cloaked in the colors of the shadows they moved through, blended to seamlessly to the night that surrounded them.

Until now and with the exception of the two that had been assigned to baby sit her when she'd first woken in the med bay, and she was still pretty shell shocked then to really remember much of that first day with good clarity, there was never an instance that she'd seen these Knights as clear or solid as the first time she held the Skywalker legacy Lightsaber in her hand. That was when it all really began, at Maz's castle, with a whisper through the Force guiding her to that saber, pushing her towards her destiny and eventually landing her face to face with Ren within that same hour.

Somewhere along the showing of that first jumbled Force vision, she'd appeared in an open area, maybe a landing strip or an out of season field of some kind. The earth was mostly leveled flat and slick with rain and mud from the downpour around her. Rey remembered with perfect clarity the bodies that were scattered everywhere. Spread out in a wide circumference around the small group of warriors. And at the head of the group, having just finished running through the last of his victims, was their Master; Kylo Ren.

Now as his Knights moved towards she and their Master, Rey wondered how she'd ever forgotten what the Force had shown her. Most of the vision was a jumbled mess but each time Kylo appeared it was clear to her that he was dangerous and already, always pursuing her.

Before she even knew his name he watched Kylo Ren skewer a man straight through, his fiery Lightsaber stopping just inches from her face before she stumbled back. And then, somehow, he noticed her. Rey's heart skipped a full beat as the memory slammed full force back into the forefront of her mind. She recalled the exact moment his helmet snapped to face her, lightning only a short distance away striking just as he locked her in his sights. The white heat crackled up from the earth in illuminating streaks which forked out across the land, frightfully lighting up the shining outline along his carbon and steel persona.

Kylo moved quickly, his legs carrying him in long, determined strides in her direction, much like yesterday when he'd entered her quarters on what seemed to be an unknown mission. It was in that moment, when he was stalking towards her, that Rey lost her composure, slipping in the squishing earth under foot in her haste to put distance between them. In this vision she knew if the Master Knight caught her, she'd meet the same fate and her terrified eyes flashed to the flickering plasma sword in his hand, then back to his eerily red silhouetted mask. It was just a Force vision, just a slice of memory, but she felt like she was loosing her footing all over again, falling again.

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