A Warm Welcoming

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  Kylo Ren's hand lingered over the space just above Rey's right temple. At some point she'd shifted in her sleep and a tiny curl of chestnut brown hair had fallen across her face. The damnable loose strand had been taunting him for almost forty minutes since he'd noticed it and that was even before they arrived at the docking station of his Mega StarDestroyer. They'd made a smooth landing in the ship hanger some time ago and he knew his troops were probably already lined up outside the loading ramp. His officers would have questions about why he'd disconnected the communications com and changed his course to cycle the system they drifted through three more times but they could all wait. There could be nothing more important outside of this shuttle then what was laying across the bench peacefully sleeping inside this shuttle.

He'd initially risen from his chair to wake her but that loose kriffing strand resting across the length of half of her freckle dusted skin had kept him from doing so just yet. Instead of rousing her he remained frozen in place, his eyes repeatedly tracing the wisp of hair. He was standing inches from her and his only thought was to swipe away the curl that he'd been fixating on since its release from the tightly twisted bun she'd fixed at the back of her head. He already missed seeing the ends settling and curling around her shoulders.

His knuckles drifted over the delicate strand, brushing it just slightly enough to lightly move it. He couldn't feel the texture through his glove but he imagined it was as soft as it appeared. He hesitated above her, his movements slow and cautious as he carefully allowed his hand to uncurl. His fingers moved for the silky curl and he was so close to taking it between their tips before his palm turned. His open hand was taking a different path and it felt like it wasn't even something he was in control of. He had the urge to swipe his fingers across her cheek, wanted to cup the side of her head in his palm and caress the length of that loose strand with his thumb.

He swallowed nervously and his weight shifted slightly. His fingers were close to her hairline, just over her warm skin and he could feel the energy humming between their relaxed Force signatures. An alarming pound at the shuttle door startled both he and the girl who laid along the bench beside him. His hand pulled back just as her eyes flew open but he was positive she hadn't caught him pulling away. In her alarm she'd shot up from her resting position, her palms settled beneath her and she pushed up until her arms locked at the elbows. She was blinking hazily, staring up at him through wide but groggy eyes and he knew she had no inclination of just how close he'd been. Even after the starling banging at the shuttles door there was no alarm in her eyes as she silently gazed up at him.

He left no time for her to question why he was lingering so near. He strode past as if that's what he'd been doing the whole time and she remained silent as she watched him move. He knew putting the space between them would help ease her nerves. Had he stayed rooted in front of her he could imagine how uncomfortable she'd quickly begin to feel, not to mention how awkward it would be. He plucked his helmet from the table he'd set it on hours ago and tucked it under his left arm before turning back to face her. He couldn't imagine putting the helmet back on before asking her for her answer would help grant him any favor. She hated the damn thing and truthfully he couldn't blame her. Lately he wasn't partial to it himself.

She'd snapped up the second she realized the ships engines had quieted and when he turned back around she was wrapping the length of his cloak over her left arm. As she approached him, Rey carefully worked to smooth out the wrinkles she'd left in it. He was surprised that she'd been the one to move closer first and even more taken back when she was the first to speak.

"Th-thank you." She said sincerely, her arm lifting in his direction so she could offer him the cloak he'd practically tucked her in with. Draping it around her with out first warning her or gaining her consent had been exactly what she needed. She was to independent and stubborn to have accept it otherwise and it had been so nice and warm that once in place there was no way she was able to refuse it.

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