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Kylo felt like a coward tucking tail and running because of a girl. Ok, more or less, because of a girl. More likely it was because he didn't want to loose his already wavering control around her. He had to be free from the sight of her because every second she goaded his temper that control weakened further.

The brittle state of his restraint had him fleeing from the temptation of taking everything from her that his Darkness encouraged of him. How easy it would have been to Force peel layer after layer off of her until she were bare before him. Set her on her back and show her just how much trouble her mouth and those curious wide eyes could get her in. Kylo shook his head to clear his thoughts for the third consecutive time since he'd left her and her doe eyes standing in the center of her room.

More and more lately she'd looked at him like she wanted him to push her, to test her limits, but she had no concept of just how weak his restraint was becoming, how close to the line he was always walking around her; teetering really. He was not a practiced man in the ways of self restraint. It's not exactly encouraged by the Dark side.

And now she was here. He simply couldn't get over that. Months of chasing her down and he finally has her here on his Finalizer and only one level below himself. He'd issued that on purpose of course. He didn't trust himself so close. Even when he tried to keep their connection quiet she'd accidentally crept in and out of his head... and for months! Even while Luke was around to help seal her mind off from him they'd accidentally found their way into each others minds.

Nothing stopped them now. Nothing kept them from spilling into one another. Their bond was going to grow and it was going to be torturous, he was sure of it and he didn't want to be too close when it became overwhelming because he was sure it would.

But other things were changing too. And quickly. The tide was rising and it brought forth a new curiosity in his little Scavenger. He could see it glittering back at him through those wild hazel eyes. She was looking at him in a new way. Always watching him in anticipation of his next move towards her. Somehow Kylo knew that had been of his doing. Even without a single lesson in the ways of seducing a female his instincts were somehow keen to this. He supposed he should thank his father for that, all the years he'd watched him chase his mother around, trying to make up for one thing or another.  Kylo's natural response to Rey, his natural advances, were finally starting to weigh on her and here secluded from those who would look down on her for her curiosity, he was certain that curiosity would bloom. It just needed a little more time to take root and grow.

The problem now is that they weren't under the protective shield of the island or practically secluded in a way that they had the privacy to push and test their bond and strength together. Here they had to be careful. Kylo knew how his power rose with his temper. He knew how he lashed out but it wasn't because of his lack of control. Sure he looked like a man child running around slashing things up but often he housed so much power and his emotions would spike so high, he had no other way to release it or the aggression the mixture of his Primal instincts and Darkness brought about in him. Rey was only just beginning to really toy with her powers and Kylo was certain that Luke had discouraged her from using the Force without his supervision, ultimately that would hurt her more then help.

She was a raw power house that he knew with training and practice could easily match his skill. And she had no idea. She had no clue how easily her hot headed reactions could get tangled up with the power that flowed freely through her and the more they tested that power, the harder it was going to become to control. He was confident he could help her with this. She'd already displayed way more control then he ever had. Hoth, he'd only just started making better decisions about how to vent his frustrations when that power or his emotions erupted.

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