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Kylo Ren was patting Rey... like a pet... awkwardly. She slightly froze. Heat rushed her cheeks as she realized what she'd just done. She wasn't just hugging Ren, she was clinging to him like she was back on Jakku and he was the last drop of water to exist on the whole desolate planet. She carefully pulled back from his chest and opened her mouth to apologize but upon catching the discomfort on his face, she paused.

Her eyes took him in one part at a time. Her unannounced hug left him leaning back while she awkwardly pawed at him. He must have thought she'd lost her mind and maybe she had, but truthfully, looking at him now in all of his awkward glory, she regretted nothing. Maybe hugs and warm feelings was all the Lord of Mood swings needed to break him down.

He was staring at her with wide curious eyes. His hands were at his sides with his arms held slightly away from his body. She could see the tension he carried in them but he refrained from balling his fists. She could tell he wanted to. His eyes searched her astounded face some what suspiciously. Rey expected him to dive into her mind to find out what had possessed her to take such a strange action towards him but to her surprise, he didn't.

Shifting his feet, he pulled at his armor. He flattened the pleats along his arms, which were already tidy. He smoothed over his outer tunic which was already laying nearly wrinkle free against his body and his fingers nervously worked at straightening his belt over the long saber burn across his torso and the two singed blaster marks beneath that. Considering everything that poor armor had been through today, he was rather well put together. By the time she got the full picture of the frazzled male, she was glowing with amusement at the normally brooding Dark Sider.

His nerves amused her and she found herself recalling the first time he'd reacted like this; He'd caught a glimpse at her thigh a couple of nights ago and he practically fell out of her head. The sight left him very on edge but in a nervous way, an insecure way. Like a school boy who had little knowledge about how to handle the subject matter before him. She didn't notice the open mouthed smile creeping over her face until he cleared his throat. Her eyes shot back up to his and he looked menacing. She snorted. Her hand fell over her mouth while she laughed at him. His brows pulled in confusion and his shoulders pulled back while he examined her.

"I'm sorry... I.." She giggled like a child.

His head nodded up and down but there was no amusement in his face. "Yes, I can see how distraught you are by your blatant display of amusement over something I'm clearly missing." He grumbled like an old man.

She bent at the waist, her laughter becoming painful to contain as she watched him. He scowled down at her now, still missing what she found humorous. His eyes were narrowed on her. He watched every tug of her mouth and the dimples that accompanied them. He watched her eyes glow with the light of that humor and every time a snort escaped her throat he felt his annoyance at her outburst lesson. His hand ran through his dark hair and his mouth relaxed.

His hand lifting to his head gave her pause. At first she wasn't sure what he was doing then she was mesmerized. She watched his long fingers run through his thick head of hair and she straightened herself like he'd thrown water on her. She fought a chuckle back as her lungs flexed and retracted to recover from the strenuous bout of laughter that had come over her. His lips pursed while she stared at him. Her lips twitched from random muscle spasms caused by the overwhelming laughter she was now fighting.

"Are you quite done?" He huffed.

She let out another unintentional snort and her hand flew over her mouth. Her eyes were leaking at the corners and she had to suck in a sharp breath to calm the spasms rippling through her diaphragm. Her head slightly tilted and her eyes locked onto his lips. For a brief second she thought just for a moment, that she saw the corner of his mouth curve. Her eyes flickered up to his and sure enough, there was just a hint of amusement in his curious brown orbs.

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