chapter 3

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Hayato pov.

"Dr. Shamal!  A patient is waking up!"

I slowly open my eyes when I heard a loud voice.

And when I open it I was shocked when I notice that I was in a hospital room.

When I look around I saw 6 people who is also laying in the bed  and still unconscious.

Wait! Is that Baseball-freak!,lawn-head,brat lambo,pineaple-head,crome,and the demon perfect hibari?!

Why are we here!

Yes they are at the same huge room.  reborn?...reborn is already gone.....

After he awake..)

.. suddenly a doctor came in from the door with the nurse who were walking towards me.

"How's your feeling?"

The doctor asked.

"F-fine,,umm.. why Im here?"

I said totaly confused.

"Well,  we found you and the other patient who where sleeping over there,
Unconcious and badly injured at the destroyed building.
May I ask you?"

I nod.

"Where did you get that injury?and what happened there before you lose your consciousness"

"Injury?destroyed building?
Unconcious what the ****
I dont even remember a thing!!"

I said loudly thats make the doctor infront of me smack on my head.

"Would you please lower your voice..
Your not the only one patient here."

He said angrily.


"*sigh*back to the topic..are you sure you dont even remember a thing?"

all I know was..ah!

"Well, all I remember hmm...there was a  party and we was celebrating his birthday until...uhhh!!thats all I can remember d*** it!"

"And who's birthday could that be?" He asked.

Now that I think about it..

"I dont remember that either!!"

What is happening why I could not remember?!..

Did i bump my head and got an amnesia!

" too.."

I snap out from my thought when I heard Baseball-freak voice.
When I look at his direction I was shocked that he was already sitting on his bed.

When did he wake up?

"Nurse please check him..."

"Yes, dr.shamal..."

And the nurse go to baseball-freak and check him up.

"What do you mean ''

I asked demand at him.

"W-ell ,,uhh! Guys could you please stop pretending asleep ,get up and let us discuss about this properly!"

And one by one of them slowly get up from there'pretending' sleep.

"Huh!! You were all awake all this time!"

I shout while pointing at them.

"Hn. Shut up herbivore or I'll bite you to death.."

Hibari said while glaring at me..

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