chapter 5

854 41 5

Tsuna pov.

"Tsunayoshi Dasawa your late again!!"

Eh? Dasawa?
Thats not my last name..
Dont tell me their Memories about me did not erase but change!

"S-sorry Nezo-sensei I will not do it again..maybe.."

I said bowing in apology..

"Hump! Good now go to your seat..
Or did you forget your own seat because of that useless brain of your dame-tsuna"

He said smirking..

And the hall class laugh except for a certain people.

Yes , its was Hana-san,kyoko,hayato,takeshi and chrome..

But hana was just looking blank expresion nothing more.

Kyoko was in deep in tought while looking at me the same as the other three..

Well kyoko is envolve at the mafia already with haru..

I just ignore the laughing and walk towards my seat beside the window..

When Im already in my seat.
Hayato glared at me.
Who is also just right beside me while takeshi on the back of hayato's chair and chrome on my front ..and kyoko in her right side..
Haha im surrounded by my friends that cant remember me..*sigh*

Suddenly  takeshi notice the glare and just laugh saying hayato to stop it because its 'scaring'me.

"Hump, shut up baseball-freak"

And turn away his gaze

"Ma-ma ,,wait are you knew?"
Takeshi ask.


"But did we meet before?"

I dont know if im imaginig things but I just saw hayato ears wiggle while chrome and kyoko flench at takeshi's question.

"Yes?maybe? We-were classmates
S- so  we m-meet.."

"Eh?did we? Hmm..why cant i remember.."


"Ah!! We did not really have a convo. We're just passing by like that.. hahaha and im always absent"

"Eh~ is thats so.
Haha Who are you again? "

My chest Feels hurt a little but I just put it a fake smile.

"Haha Tsunayoshi Dasawa,,just call me tsuna"

"Are right right . ..then tsuna just call me takeshi,and that grumpy person over there just call him hayato
And the one infront of you is chrome-"

"And just call me  kyoko-chan!"

Unexpectedly kyoko inserted..

But I just look at them confused..

"Umm..why are you introducing yourself..I already know you"

"Ah! Thats well kind of feel like it hhaha-!"

Takeshi was  cut of from his laugh because nezu-sensei yell at us..

"Hey! You six over there ! For not listening on my class..go outside the room and stand in the hallway until break!"

And the class chaos.

"Eh! Even kyoko-chan,and chrome-chan!"
"Why hayato-kun!and takeshi kun! That dame tsuna!
Its all your fault!"

And bla bla bla

"Shut up your ****** mouth !"

Hayato shout glaring at the hall class.. then stand up fallowed by takeshi,chrome and kyoko.

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