chapter 9 -part 1

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Normal pov.

In nanimori park tsuna was laying under the big tree,so exhausted he could not even move his body anymore.
His wounds were already Healed but tsuna's flames where already drained. He's already out of stamina.

It was 5:50 in the morning, the sun is rising.
But the thick natural mist is still every where ,covering him from the sight of the human eyes, like even nature wanted to protect him from any danger that might come while he was in deep sleep.

Suddenly you can hear  human foot steps coming towards the brunette's direction.

His eyes slowly open and there he saw,a girl with an orange pacifier on her neck and a boy with a purple tattoo under his eye.

His Big brown eyes widened and he spoke with a hoarse voice.


"Long time no see tsuna-nii/Chan"

They said at the same time,
Small drops of tears suddenly fell from tsuna's eyes as he forced himself to stand up but failed.


Yuni and byakuran held him to prevent him from falling while tsuna looked at them in disbelief.

"Y-you two r-remember me?"

both of them nod.

"I-im glad..thank good-ness.."

And his eyes slowly closed and fell asleep.

"Is he gon'na be fine?"

Yuni asked ,worried.

"No worries yuni-chan our brother is alright,he just need to rest.."

Byakuran said with a calm voice but you can  see from his face that his also worried for  tsuna.

"We need to take him to our basement before that masked man's men find him.
I don't want to see tsuna-nii fighting in this condition."

"So do I yuni"

And the three of them  disappeared within the mist.


At nanimori middle school.

Reborn was walking on the school hallway.

If you look closely ,You can see clearly the smirk on his face .

'today ,I will make him spill his secret.  dame-tsuna can no longer run away from me.'

He thought as he slowly open the classroom door.

The class was shocked at his sudden appearance.

"Where is Tsunayoshi?"

Reborn demand.

"Ah! Reborn Sensei!.
Tsuna is not here today"

Takeshi said while holding his baseball bat like he was about to hit something.


He covered his face using his fedora, hiding his angry Face.

But takeshi just  shrug his shoulder and said.

"I Don't know".

Reborn 'tsk' and leave the room

Leaving the clueless students .

'that dame-student of mine'

Unexpectedly reborn​ frozed.
The nick name was repeating on his sounds so familiar.

Yet.he  thought it was the word he always used at his former student.Dino.

He ignored it and continue to walk.he needed to find the brunette
.he really want to shot some bullets on tsuna's head.


"How's tsuna-nii?"

Yuni asked while looking at the sleeping brunette.

"Still asleep''

Byakuran said.


Yuni was cut off from her sentence when an image suddenly appear on yuni's head.
a vision.

There was a boy,
Slowly fading away,
His body was slowly fading like a paper that been burned slowly.
But still ,The boy was smiling at them and he whisper something until a bright light covered her vision.

Tears slowly fall down on yuni's face .
Even if she can't see the boy's small face the smile is still similar to him.
The warm smile.

She still doesn't understand it but the the vision crushed her heart.


She snap out and look directly at byakuran.


Byakuran suddenly hug yuni.

"Yuni-chan, it's alright"


To be continued..

I'm sorry for this short,so many errors  and confusing chapter!.
And for all who waited and support my story I very thankfull
To you all! God bless!)

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