chapter 2

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Tsuna Pov.


I run towards him.
Not minding the  the enemy infront of me and use my sun flames again to heal him.

I was beyond relief when  he slowly waking up.

But his word shock me.

"W-who are y-you,,"

And lose his conciousnes again.



I suddenly feel a strong grip on my head and All I know I was already trown
At the wall..


The wall cracked and I cought up blood because of the impact .

I tryed to stand but fail when I feel a sudden  shock pain .
This is bad. I broke so many bones in  my body!.
I cant move

but even so I still kept trying .
I only stop when the man walk infront of me .
and even I cant see his face I know that he is smiling ( evily)
at me .

"w-what did you do to them?!"I shout.

"hm~ I only took their memories about the mafia and you~!"

He said like a child.

"bring their memories back or I will-!..
kill you..."
I said darkly

but he just only laugh at me..
"hahaha! kill me?! with that weak body of yours!
do you still think you can kill me!ha!
you cant even lay A finger on me!"

"why are you doing this!"

I said while trying to stand up but Mascherato suddenly kick  me and step on my head like I was a trash.

"why Im doing this~ ofcourse , because Im bored~
and I want to have fun with you vongola decimo~"

I suddenly grit my teeth because of anger
'he is doing this because his bored! What kind of a reason is that!'

"I repeat what I said..
bring their memories back!"

I activate my HDWM and my pure sky flames burst all over my body that make the masked man back off from me.

"woo~ scary~
your really are interesting vongola!~
thats why I want to play a game with you~
you can only bring their memories back ones you broke this bottle,so thats means you should first defeat me!. but before you can fight me
I will send my men to kill you every day!
if you can defeat my men,then the final boss will show up! and thats me!!
get strong  vongola, Im looking forward  for our future battle..if you can survive alone~
bye bye~"

And he suddenly disappear using his mist flame.

"*cough*I *cough* will definitely beat you*cough*

I slowly  lay down on the broken wall and took my phone from my pouch,well
Its a miracle that its still there.

When I took my phone I slowly scroll the contacts and find the name of one of the trusted vongola doctors..


"Shamal I need you to come here right now,its an emergency and you need to treat them immediately.."

I said calmy..

["Wait,,May I know who is calling right now?"]

My heart skip a beat. at his  sudden question.

' that Mascherato, I will truely/surely beat him.'

"You dont need to know my name just come here in namimori XXX  hurry!"

I said losing my patience.

["*SHIVER* okay,okay Im coming! Although I dont know who you are, I had a feeling that I can trust you...right?..
is there any women in there?"]


*toot toot*

When I finish  healing my self
I  stand up and  walk towards reborn and my gardians.

"Everyone..  I promise,
I will  retrieve all your memories,
even if killing somebody...
And dont worry about me
I will not die until I beat that man. "

When I hear the ambulance, I let out a long sigh of relief and turn my back on them while saying
"Take care"
And hide.
Why did I hide?

Will there is a reason..

Normal pov.

When shamal arrived. His was so suprise at the scenery infront of him the building where distroyed and there where 7 people who where laying down in the floor.

He did not recognize any of them.
But when he look closely his eyes wide.

Why  the number one hitman is in this place?
And also unconious?
Woow,,this is new..

And who called me?

When he look around ,there is no ones around except for the 7 unconcious people .he was about to turn around and start to heal them ,when he suddenly  saw A glimpse of glowing orange eyes looking at him in the dark ..

And when he tried to aprouch it ,
It suddenly disappear.

"*sigh*maybe it was only my imagination"

unknown to him that it was tsuna  who were observing them from afar..


( /030)/~

Thanks for reading!)

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