Chapter 14

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Normal pov.

After the shocking introduction,
Chrome suddenly wake up from her slumber ,in mukuro's relief. Yuni offered them the guest room so they can talk properly.
While ryohei put kyoko in bed.

Yuni also gave them some tea so they can relax a little.

She smiled calmly while observing them like there was nothing to worry about, but the truth is she is really extremely worried for the brunette.

Byakuran and enma noticed it.
For they also are worried for tsuna.

Who wouldn't be?

They knew that their friend was strong. but that doesnt mean that he can handle everything alone right?.

They knew how powerful Mascherato is.

Reborn noticed the silence between the three. his suspicions grew .

So without any second thoughts he voiced it out loud so that everyone in the room could hear it.



he asked.

"How did you all know that Tsuna was the One who sent us here? and how did you even know him? tell me. are you hiding something from me"


'As expected from reborn, he's as sharp as ever!' Enma panicked.

"As this old ma- i mean Renato said, how did you know tsuna?"

Enma looked at the two.

'Should we?'

Byakuran sighed.

"Theres no helping it.''

Yuni frowned.
'Sorry tsu-nii I think telling them the truth is the only way to help you right now.its for the best'




Come out now, there is no use in hiding you know, kukuku"

The unmasked man walked in the lifeless road of nanimori, Seeking for his prey.
He effortly scaned all the area using his night flame, sensing no presence of the target he continued to walk passing by the small old house where the decimo hid.

The brunette sighed in relief,
He laid down on the cold floor, breathing heavily.

"Thank goodness he hasn't sensed me"

Tsuns whispered.

He looked down at his hand.

'How are they? did I send them safely to byakuran's mansion?.*sigh
I hate to say that I'm very weak right now.I wasnt able to hit him after I broke his mask, but how can I defeat him?. Everytime i will land a attack on him he can easily dodge it.'

Tsuna tightened his grip.

'If I Cannot defeat him right now,who knows what will happen after.'

While tsuna was busy thinking.
He did not notice the sudden appearance of his enemy on his back.

His HI suddenly hit his head.
'Im so stupid, I should not let my guard down'

When he turn around he met mascherato eye to eye .

Tsuna was terrified. Mascherato's grin never leave his face.

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