chapter 1

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Tsuna pov.

Me Reborn and my guardians was happily celebrating my 16 birthday.

"Happy birthday  tenth/tsuna/hn./kufufu/boss/dame."

They said at once to me.
And I then look at them and smile

"Thankyou everyone!"

It was very peaceful day until ,something unexpected happen.
someone  laugh,
We look at the direction where the laugh came from
And we saw a man in A mask with a long colorful hair.


My  HI suddenly rung making my head hurts  , reborn and my gardians notice my sudden changed of mode.
They stand infront of me, took their  weapons and do their
Fighting stance.

"Who are you.."

Reborn said/demand while glaring at the said man.

"Me?~kukuku Im Mascherato,
Nice to meet you,Number One hitman Reborn and vongola decimo.."

Mascherato said while holding a huge black scythe.

This man is dangerous, I had the feeling that  Mascherato is much stronger than reborn.

I need to warn reborn.


I said loud enough to catch reborn attention.


He answer but still looking at mascherato.

"This man is dangerous My HI wont stop ringing because of him...
You should be careful..
And also all of you my guardians.."

My guardians just nod.but reborn.

"Hn. I already know that dame-tsuna."

And  leon suddenly jump at reborns hand and tranform into a gun. And pointed it to the masked man.

"What are you doing here,
I dont recall tsuna and his gardians invite a person called
Mascherato.tell me,what is your purpose for being here"

Do I need to tell you my purpose?"

And just for a second Mascherato
Suddenly disappear from our sight and re appear on my gardians back.
He was already holding a glowing bottle,
I dont know what happend
But in a blink of an eye my gardians/friends suddenly fall down.


Hayato said before he lose his conciousness.

"Hayato! Everyone!"

I was about to run towards them but reborn stop me.

"Stay right here tsuna!
I 'll deal with him,"

"No! I can fight too!"

"Just stay here and help your gardians get recover!"


And he started to fire his sun flames toward the masked.

While they where fighting
I go to my unconcious guardians
and use my sun flames to help them recover immedietly.

"Guys ,please be okay"

When I almost finish healling them.

I suddenly feel a cold and dark aura at my back.
When  i turn around .
My face turned to horror.

It was Mascherato he was looking at me while pointing his scythe on my chest.

And he was also holding someone .

My face paled when I notice that its was reborn.

He was terrible beaten.

"T-ts-una R-run"

He said and fall from mascherato


'( ¤ <> ¤ ) /


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