chapter 6

843 44 15

Tsuna pov.

"So this is Lambo-kun,Ryohei-senpai,and mukuro-senpai!".


Takeshi intrudoce them to me with grinning face.

"H-hello Im Tsunayoshi Dasawa "

This is weird..
Introducing yourself again
*sigh* is kind of akward..

"Oya? Did we meet before?"
Mukuro asked.

Again with that question..

"Maybe? I gues"

I answer but not looking at them..

"Is that so"

Mukuro said while looking at me , still not satisfied at my answer



I was already sweating bullets because mukuro is still staring at me with Ryohei.

"Ma~ ,guys stop that already ,your making tsuna more uncomfortable.let's just sit right here and eat shall we?"

"Takeshi-nii is right! Lambo-sama is already hungry! Lets eat already!"

Lambo complained.

"Here lambo-kun your lunch box.
Father made it for you and also this is for hayato"

Takeshi took two lunchbox
On his bag and give it to lambo and hayato.

"Thankyou takeshi-nii! You and your father are really kind to lambo-sama! Compare to this Ahodera,,,"

"Shut up you stupid cow!"

And the lightning and the storm started to fight again.

"Hayato calm down,dont be angry at lambo-kun his just a kid after all,right lambo?"

Takeshi said 'trying' to calm down the two fighting guardian.

"Hump I dont need your stupid advise baseball-freak"-hayato

"Gyahaha! Ahodera is an octupos head !!"-lambo

"Do you want me to rip off your mouth stupid cow!"-hayato

"Ma~ stop it already you two or else Hi-"

Takeshi was cut out from his talk when they feel a very deep and dark aura roming around their back.

"herbivores,why are you crowding around here"

Hibari said while pointing his tonfas to us.

"Ah! Hibari-senpai
Where just having a 'peaceful' lunch over here.want to join us?"

Takeshi said .

" "

Hibari hide his tonfas and started to walk away but then mukuro,,,*Sigh*

"Kufufufu the skylark really hate crowding ne?..dont tell me you
Have Agoraphobia.."

this phobia consists of an irrational fear of large crowds and gatherings of people
( ^ 3^)~)

"Hn. pineapple herbivore do you want to die?"

"Kufufufu try me"

They glare at each other and about to fight when ..


They all look at me even kyoya and mukuro.

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