chapter 4

842 45 0

Tsuna pov.

"Im home "

I said while entering an empty house..

It was all empty..

When I get back after that day
I saw mother, ipin, fuuta and bianchi,moving out.

And when I saw an old lady also looking at them with a sad look

I approach her ..

May I ask why they are moving?"

I ask the old lady..

"Well.. they said they are moving out because Nana's son went missing
She said 'no matter what I will find my son' but the weird is
When I ask her what his full name or
do you have any picture of him so we can help you find him .
she only answer
'His name is..T-tsuna..
And I dont have any picture of him..I dont know why but all of my picture with tsuna are all burned...'
That what she said.
And she also said that the others volunteer to come with her because they dont want to leave her alone..
Even though they dont know who is Tsuna either.."

  I was shocked..but I did not show it. I just bowed and thanked her for the info. And walk away..
No. I will not go to them and said 'Im tsuna your son '
I think it would be better If I will not show up for now.
for sure
It will lessen the danger..

So I just watch  at the shadows while they are moving out..

When they are all gone I walked towards the house, jump at the gate because its luck.

I use night flame to open a portal so I can enter inside the house..
Hehe I made tsuna into a multiple flame user ( ^ 3 ^ ) )

When Im already inside it was all empty,dark and quite.

I go uptairs and open the door in my room and to my suprise all of my things are still in there..maybe mother did not want to touch my things?,,*sigh*

I go to my bed and lay down
So exhausted in everything.

****flashback end***

to think that Mascherato
Also erased their memory..
Except mother ..
At least not all of them.. wait..
My mother is still a civilian right?no?, to think about it ..
My classmates still remember me when they saw me pass by at the school.
'Oi! Isnt it dame-tsuna!.'

*sweetdrop* espicialy that nick name*sigh*

Maybe all who are not in the mafia or still a civilian are not counted at loosing memories.
Maybe only in the mafia.

Then I can still attend school right..I can still be with my guardians and reborn..
Im already okay with that at least I can still watch them close up not minding at hiding..
And I can protect them secretly
If that Mascherato will do something to them .

"Yosh! You can do it tsuna! You need to get stronger For the sake of your family and friends!
once you defeat that man..
All of this ..will be over"

I said encouraging my own self.

Okay..I sense no danger today ,my HI is also not ringing.
Means its safe to go outside .
I already finish putting some barrier around the house incase they will enter if im not around and try to ambush me inside when Im back..
As if i will let them ..

His talking about Mascherato mens that attacking him..
Oh! Also its already morning when tsuna enter the house from you know..fighting..)

I get up from my bed and change my clothes into school uniform.
Took my bag not minding to eat breakfast . And use my night flame again to open a portal.when I enter the portal I was already infront of nanimori middle school.
To my luck no one was around so no one saw me coming out from that portal..

Wait why  is no one around?

Dont tell me Im already late!



Did he saw me Use my portal! No.. my HI told me he just got here ..*sigh*thats good..

I  turn around  then pretend  afraid.

"Hii!!! Hibari-san s-sorry! I did not notice the time!"

I said at panick voice.

"Hn..for being 10 min. Late
I'l bite you to death!"

He bring out his tonfas and attack me..

What should I do..
Should I pretend weak or what!

Huhu to late I already avoid his attack.


He smirk at me..

No! This is bad!.
I need to stop this fight..

"A-ano,, hibari-san if you will keep fighting me I will miss a-another lesson .."

He then stop from what he was doing.

"Hn. herbivore.."

He stare at me ..
More Like studiying me..


"Did we meet before?"

His question snap me..


"Hn.go now to your class or else"

He ready his tonfas again


I said and run towards my room..
But before I can go that far I heard him whisper

"Hn.strange usagi"

Haha that nick nostologic..

'Omnivore  lets fight!'
'Eh! Kyoya-senpai!'
'Wow~ usagi grown fungs'

I chuckle at the memory while running..


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