chapter 9- part 2

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Normal pov.

Brown due eyes open ,
Waking up from a deep slumber
But suddenly widen as he realize his not in his room nor in the park but in unfamiliar place.
His eyes scanned the room
And suddenly an image of the sky mare ring user and the sky arcobaleno appear on his mind.

"so it was all a dream huh"

He whispered to himself.

he put his hand on his face covering his teary eyes.

"Of course it is....stupid me"



An albino boy suddenly open the door while carrying I bowl of marshmallow fallowed by a girl with a pacifier on her neck.

"B-byakuran,please be quite you'll wake up tsuna ..nii"

The three of them stared at each other for a second until yuni started to talk.

"Ah! Tsuna-nii! Your awake, are alright? Are you hungry? Do you want some -"

" marshmallow?"

Yuni stared at byakuran with a 'seriously' face while byakuran is just humming.


Suddenly they heard the brunette giggle and the two of them stared at each other then at him and smile warmly.

"You two never change eh.Espicialy you byakuran,you still love your marshmallow like..the old..days."

He said with a smile but broke when a tear came out on his eyes again.

"T-tsuna-nii is there something wrong?"

"Do you really want my marshmallow that badly?"


"hahaha this is nothing,it's just I'm so happy because this is..not a dream.well it's hard to believe i-"

Tsuna was cut off when yuni and byakuran suddenly jump at him while the mellows on bya-kun hands spread all over the place.


"Then we will prove to you that this is not a dream!"

And they started to tickled him.

"H-hey stop t-that!,okay!,okay I'm alright now! This is not a dream!,bwahaa! Hey!"

But the two did not stop and continue what their doing.


"So, not only your guardians can not remember you but also the people who are part of the mafia."

"And also your name is Dasawa,''

Tsuna nod at bya-kun and yuni-chan summary's.

" that masked man name is Mascherato e."

Byakuran whisper to himself but tsuna heard him.

"You know him?"

Tsuna ask

"Not only me but also yuni.
We meet him when yuni and I where having a tea time together,we where also planning to invite you but ...Seems like unexpected or uninvited guest came" byakuran greet his teeth.

"You mean?"

"Yes, Mascherato and his men suddenly attack us without any warning...
Lucky for us we where able to drag them out of the mansion
But not completely we got hard time dealing with that masked man.his to strong...
But he stop attacking  when an unknown​ shadow suddenly appear .when they where talking we where busy beating up his useless men.and OMM!(oh my mellows!) They are so many! .
At first to be honest I was just really playing with them but when I heard the word 'attack..n..kill...vongola..decimo
It triggered me ...somehow I want to Kill him instead
.demo after that they suddenly disappeared with his men's like nothing happened."

Byakuran sigh after he finish his sentence.

Tsuna face darkened.

" that time .....
ne byakuran"

The albino boy look at the brunnet with 'what is it?' face.

"Enma,do you know where Enma is?"


Sweat fall down at tsuna's face while waiting at the mare sky answer.

"Yesterday..before we saw you..
Yuni found him laying down in front of our mansion it happened after the accident.

He was full of heavy wounds all over his body.
So without any questions yuni brought him inside.'aldo it was not that easy'

But after the next day..
He ,,,"

Tsuna gulp.

"Pass away.."


"Wa! That's hurt yuni-chan~"

"Stop saying silly things byakuran!
Tsuna-nii don't listen to this boy"

Yuni glared at byakuran.

Byakuran look away.

"*Sigh*Enma-kun is alright, he was just unconscious that's all.
And his resting next door so please dont worry too much tsuna-nii it's not good for the health!"

She said that even though yuni was also worried at the vision she saw.

And because of tsuna's HI
Yeah..he knows the albino was not serious.

He Pat yuni's shoulder and smile.

"Thank you yuni and just like what you said I will stop worrying so also do you to .
And for Enma thank you for take caring care of him."

They Both smile at tsuna.

"Of course! His also our brother after all!"


"Seems like he wipe out all my men's eh.kukuku~
He also defeated my shadow.
But,but, will he defeat me?,I wonder~"

Mascherato smile evilly behind his mask.

He stand up from his chair and look at the large window .

He swing his weapon and
a powerful wind suddenly blow,the window cracked and the certain was on fire.
A huge and very thick mist covers the starry sky all the light in the city suddenly disappeared
Turning the world into full of darkness.

"Now~ It's time for the final boss~

To be continue..

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